Friday, 14 February 2025

Näihin hommiin ei synnytä (You’re not born for this job)-Translation-

So a bit of an exception, but I felt like translating this Finnish song that has been stuck in my head since last week when I first heard it. It's about all the people working thankless yet utterly important jobs in society and it kinda just struck a cord with me. Anyways, humor me and give it a listen!

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

エゴアイディール(Ego Ideal)-Translation-

Trying to keep at it with the lyrics translations and this is another song I've been wanting to do for quite some time as I really, really like it. QC is done by Chinatsu, no surprises there! :3

Thursday, 16 January 2025

恋想花火 (Fireworks of Romantic Feelings)-Translation-

I know this is a summer song, but I've been really wanting to translate it as it is one of my top favorites from Nana ever so don't judge me for doing so in the middle of winter lol. Before I dive in though I'd like to mention that the title itself contains a made up word, 恋想 (=rensou), in it so there isn't really a "correct" translation for it and I went for what seemed to be close to the intended meaning. The two kanji there mean "love/yearning" and "idea/thought". And then for the song itself - QC by Chinatsu as always!

Sunday, 1 December 2024

怪物 (Monster)-Translation-

Been a bit busy for a while but I am back to celebrate the upcoming start of season 3 of BEASTARS with a translation of the second season opening song, Kaibutsu (怪物)! So yes, I am continuing on with YOASOBI for a bit before I go back to my usual Nana shenanigans. QC by the lovely Chinatsu as always.

Also, it's worth noting again that there is an official English version of this song too, but as before it varies a little bit with meaning compared to the Japanese one.

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

祝福 (The Blessing)-Translation-

A bit of a change of pace this time with some YOASOBI! As we were really into Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury when it aired, this translation is brought to you as a collaboration between me and @flying_mug, with QC by Chinatsu as always.

It's worth noting that YOASOBI has released an English version, but since they had to stick to the pacing of the song and the melody, it can't quite stay fully alike to the Japanese one.

Tuesday, 13 August 2024


Going back to Nana's roots with this one, as hearing Thermidor in LIVE JUNGLE really got me into the mood for translating it (not to mention it remains to this day one of my top favorite Nana songs ever). I will never tire of the melancholic vibe of this song!

QC by Chinatsu!

Friday, 2 August 2024

ADRENALIZED -Translation-

I am adrenalized and raring to go with more translations, so here is ADRENALIZED as promised! Even though I haven't been too into this song, it was fun to translate due to how much it exudes the feeling of racing and adrenaline. Also been a while since I had to write so many translation notes!

QC by Chinatsu as always!