Trying to keep at it with the lyrics translations and this is another song I've been wanting to do for quite some time as I really, really like it. QC is done by Chinatsu, no surprises there! :3
編曲:藤間 仁(Elements Garden)
Japanese | English |
言いたいこと言えなくって 書き殴って 破り捨てて いつになれば手放せるの 傷だらけノート | I don't say the things I want to say scribble it off, tear and throw it away when will I be able to part ways with this scratched out notebook |
何も聞こえないフリで 笑顔振りまいて 何処へ行くの? 高性能なイヤフォンがあれば ねえ、僕の声カタチに出来るかな | While pretending not to hear anything I'm flashing smiles, going where? If I had high-performance earphones hey, would I be able to make my voice into a shape |
響け 止めどなく溢れる流星のように ひたすらに不規則で カッコ悪い僕の宇宙―ソラ―だけど どこにもないメロディーなら届けられるよ 笑われてもいいから 全力で歌いたい | Resound, like an endlessly overflowing shooting star My sky¹, so utterly irregular and uncool behind but I can deliver a melody not heard anywhere I don't care if you laugh at me, I want to sing with all my might |
理想ばかり妄想して 自分自身 質問攻め 参っちゃうよ 雁字搦め 気付けばまた、ポーズ | I'm always fantasizing about ideals an onslaught of questions to myself I'm at my wit's end, immobilized Before I know it, I take a pose again |
向けられた視線の熱に 歯止めきかなくて戸惑ってる 毎日溜まっていく選択モノたち 根こそぎ綺麗に片付けたい | The heat from the gazes directed at me made me uncontrollable, confusing me The choices that I put on hold every day I want to root out and clean up neatly |
叫べ 迷いの孤影 吹き消してしまうほど 今更に不器用で カッコ付けた僕の心音―オト―だけど とてつもない夢なら用意してあるから 前だけを見つめて この一歩を信じたいよ | Shout out, enough to blow away the lonely hesitation My sound², at this stage awkward and trying to be cool I have prepared a tremendous dream Just keep looking ahead, I want to believe in this one step |
高く遠く飛ぶこと そればかりに囚われ 肝心なこと後回しで 考え過ぎていたよ もっと自由になりたい | Flying higher, further I was only encaptivated by that I was putting off the crucial things thinking too much I want to be more free |
響け 止めどなく溢れる流星のように ひたすらに不規則で カッコ悪い僕の宇宙―ソラ―だけど どこにもないメロディーなら届けられるよ 笑われてもいいから 全力で歌いたい | Resound, like an endlessly overflowing shooting star My sky¹, so utterly irregular and uncool but I can deliver a melody not heard anywhere I don't care if you laugh at me, I want to sing with all my might |
Translation notes:
- Here she says ソラ / sky as the reading for the kanji is for 宇宙 / space.
- And here we have オト / sound as the reading for 心音 / cardiac sound (aka heart beat).
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