Tuesday 2 July 2024

NANA MIZUKI LIVE JUNGLE 2024 Safari 5 & 6 at Wakayama

My new live report style seems to be doing wonders to my writing speed as here I am again with new reports just a couple of days after the Wakayama concerts. Yay! Also sharing some pics from a Nana fan exhibit that was nearby on the second day.

(For report on LIVE JUNGLE 2024 Safari 1 and 2 at Mie, go [here]!)

Before Concert
Grabbed the Nanette pin for the day (luckily no queue) and went to check out a fan exhibit nearby, which was a really lovely treat - big shoutout to my friend Saph for letting me know about it. Here's some pics!


Safari 5:

01. Turn the World
02. 囚われのBabel  
03. 禁断のレジスタンス
05. 沈黙の果実  
06. Link or Chains
Cherry Boys -showcase
07. sympathy
08. Hungry Hungry
09. Dramatic Love
10. Level Hi!
11. First Calendar
12. 砂漠の海
Insert movie
16. 革命デュアリズム
19. 時空サファイア
20. suddenly ~巡り合えて~
21. chronicle of sky
22. Phase 21
24. Synchrogazer -Aufwachen Form-
Safari 6:

01. Turn the World 
02. 囚われのBabel  
03. 禁断のレジスタンス
06. Link or Chains
Cherry Boys -showcase
07. sympathy
08. Hungry Hungry
09. Dramatic Love
10. Level Hi!
11. アンティークナハトムジーク
12. Polaris
Insert movie
18. Love Brick
19. 時空サファイア
20. suddenly ~巡り合えて~
21. chronicle of sky
22. Phase 21
23. Trickster
24. Synchrogazer -Aufwachen Form-

01.Turn the World / 02.囚われのBabel / 03.禁断のレジスタンス
Nothing much to add here, except this still remains a banger opener set.

Day 1: Wakayama again after six years! Nana says the last time was for LIVE ISLAND. She tells us again how all the plants are real and keeping the stage nice and cool which makes her feel like she could just keep singing all the way till tomorrow non-stop.

Day 2: Same as yesterday pretty much. Nana also talks about how this is her first all arena tour, since typically she'll have some smaller halls sprinkled in. Last time she was in Wakayama was in a smaller hall like that.

04.ETERNAL BLAZE / 05.沈黙の果実 or NEVER SURRENDER / 06.Link or Chains
For these two days my appreciation for Link or Chains live grew even more which I didn't know was possible. The live instruments just makes it way more stronger and impactful than what it sounds like recorded and I am all here for it.

Cherry Boys -showcase
Can't remember anything for the life of me again, but similar pattern as in Mie in that during the first night they had to answer questions related to Wakayama and the second night they were asking questions directed at the audience.

07.sympathy / 08.Hungry Hungry / 09. Dramatic Love / 10.Level Hi!
Really enjoyed this segment on the first Wakayama night, since my seat was very close to the middle stage on the arena so I got to see Nana very close up for the latter half of sympathy and all of Hungry Hungry. She definitely looked straight at me a couple of times too. Though, I have to admit I got kind of distracted by Team Yo-Da abs for Hungry Hungry because man is everyone so fit!

Day 1: Mawatte! Today's mou ikkai was with Itaruvic since it was just his birthday the other day. He was surprised with a cake even though he thought there would be nothing since it wasn’t the day of. He does a pun as usual and then Nana needs to follow up also as per usual. I don't remember Itaruvic's but Nana's was "nagekisshu" aka "blowing a kiss" (nagekissu) combined with Kishu.

For today's corner it’s Cho-san's picked song! He's been with Nana since LIVE FORMULA and went for the most memorable/unforgettable song. He also mentions it's a song that makes you think of an ex and Nana says uh oh that’s not what she wants her song to be reminding him of.

Day 2: Mawatte! Mou ikkai with Ryutan, cho-san and Kado-D because they went to enjoy good food last night and Nana was jealous. Ryutan refused to do Mawatte at first but then was made to do it by himself after everyone else did it with Nana. Nana tells us that Mishi-P went to have ramen because he is a ramen otaku and brought a bit back for her since she behaved and stayed at the hotel. She was like "if I have this amount of ramen I can make up for the calories if I sing 囚われのBabel." Mishi-P also went out with the three Cherry Boys and brought back some Korean food too even though the Cherry Boys didn’t! Ryutan says they were recruited for dinner by team Yoda's Yumeko. She's the new team captain because Anna just had a baby.

Tonight it is Kado-D’s song, who joined the Cherry Boys from LIVE UNION! He went with the one that makes him the most nervous when he needs to perform it.

11. First Calendar or アンティークナハトムジーク
Never was a super fan of First Calendar but it is a nice and pleasant song to listen to live. Definitely got more excited for Antique Nachtmusik which is super epic every time and it brought back great memories of LIVE FLIGHT. It did kind of feel like a weird mismatch to have Nana perform it in her very extra tropical bird inspired outfit though as it did not fit the mood of the song at all.

Day 1: Cho-san says when he first played for Nana the first couple of songs were so intense drumming that he has no recollection of them but the first song he remembers is doing the percussion for First Calendar after those. He’s had no opportunity to do it for her since, since the only times it has come up is either for orchestral or as duet with Martin instead. Cho-san says he watched LIVE FORMULA with his daughters and the older one commented that the bassist is hella good looking. Nana says Ryutan's still got it and Ryutan is like please stop it lol.

Day 2: Kado-D says he can’t sleep when he knows he has to play this song. He was so nervous on his bday before needing to play it as a duet with Nana during LIVE ZIPANGU and Nana apologies for ruining his bday. This time it was with the whole band which was really nice too and he realized how much he likes this song. He then goes off-topic and asks Nana to say a message for his mom in sexy voice. Kado-D tells us that she has fallen on both her shoulders because she protects her hands instinctively because she is a pianist. Thus, Kado-D wanted Nana to say to his mom to fall on her hands next time, and Nana obliged but still wondered why she had to do it in a sexy voice.

12. 砂漠の海 or Polaris / 13.優しい記憶
I'm a big fan of Sabaku no Umi and thus was so happy to get it finally during this tour!!! I have to admit a lot of the older Nana portfolio isn't up my alley too much but this song is an exception and I love it so much. The melody is epic, Nana's deep voice singing is epic. As much as I like the more chill vibe of Polaris too, I do kind of wish I had gotten Sabaku no Umi on both nights. :3

insert movie
Researcher Nana in her laboratory all alone (apart from a Nanette robot)! She does her nails before getting on with the research of the day. For break time, she plays some ping pong with the Nanette robot, making the Nanette robot glitch thanks to hitting it on the head with the ball. While glitching Hiroshi Kamiya takes over the robot and encourages Nana to find the answer to her research from within her by doing a pun on the first day (related to what kind of Jungle does Nana not want or something) and mimicking something on the second day.

Since my seat was close to the middle stage I got to experience Nana going basically right over me in the crane box during ADRENALIZED which was really neat! It's been a while since I have gotten to see her up that close. It was so fun to hear UNBREAKABLE again as it always reminds me of LIVE CASTLE, which was a really memorable live to me as I made a lot of Nana friends who I am still close with to this day.

Day 1:  Nana talks about the insert movie and when she mentions Hiroshi, ofc people ask for a replay of her what kind of jungle does Nana not want gag and then Nana tells us again how it was awkward to film when no one reacts to her puns.

Day 2: Usual talk about insert movie again. Nana says she wanted to do it of Hanshin manager for the mimicking but was told it’s unacceptable so she did one of Stella instead for the movie. Ofc, everyone asked her to do what she originally wanted to do so she did and lol honestly it wasn't very funny. xD

17. POWER GATE or SUPER GENERATION / 18.全力DREAMER or Love Brick/ 19.時空サファイア
Love Brick was a nice surprise for tonight! Or not really a surprise since I knew it was part of the rotation. I had forgotten how much audience participation there actually was for that song so it was really fun and I got really pumped up.

Day 1: Time for last song! Nana talks about how her songs are built on the foundation of her Enka training and cover many genres but they only become complete with us participating - hence she picked this song for last.

Day 2: Same talk of Nana songs evolving as the night before. She also mentions how LIVE JUNGLE is full of Mizuki-like songs which made me have the following realization:

20.suddenly ~巡り合えて~
Nothing much to add here from my first report.


21.chronicle of sky / 22.Phase 21
Every time we get to this segment I keep thinking how I really should listen to Phase 21 more, because it is a really cool song and Nana singing so fast like that is just so epic.

Day 1: Shassu seven times! Nana says the usual smile-gang stuff, but now promises to do something for certain for either 1200 or 1234 episode and we are witnesses to this promise. She then tells us that right after returning from Wakayama it’ll be time to do the live recording the 777th M no Sekai. It’s crazy to think even that’s reaching so many eps since it got almost cancelled once she says. Apparently, M no Sekai went on hiatus for half a year once, but ended up coming back. Nana talks about how the water works were different for the venues (like in Mie it was a water curtain falling down, but today it was water sproutig upwards from the floor) and how water was the one gimmick she really wanted for LIVE JUNGLE.

Day 2: Same smile-gang and M no Sekai talk as last night. Nana reminisces how she and Misato talked about becoming a more mature show if they kept going for more than four years with smile-gang, but in the end they kept being as dumb as always. Same talk about the water gimmick as well.

23. TRANSMIGRATION or Trickster / 24.Synchrogazer -Aufwachen Form-
Was really waiting for us to get to Synchrogazer -Aufwachen Form- since that meant that Nana would be going over my head again! As she did! Wheeeeey! I'm not too big on being in the arena anymore these days since the view is so much better from the stand in general, but it was fun tonight being up close like this.

Continuing the trend from last year's tour, the Cherry Boys are doing some weird shit during the final thank yous. xD This time they were all gathering around Nana with Kenny crouching by her feet and then standing up and spreading his arms like he was a flower blooming LOL.

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