Thursday 20 June 2024

NANA MIZUKI LIVE JUNGLE 2024 Safari 1 & 2 at Mie


Trying my best to streamline the live report process again by merging the two lives I attended at Mie into one report and will probably be doing the same for Wakayama and Yokohama later! 

(For report on LIVE JUNGLE 2024 Safari 5 and 6 at Wakayama, go [here]!)

Before the concert
Now that the venue specific shirts and Nanette pins cannot be purchased online preemptively it's back to the goods queuing, which I did not miss at all. I was not interested in the shirt colors for Mie so I only queued for the pins and luckily going late on both days to minimize the time it takes worked out well as nothing was sold out.


Safari 1:

01. Turn the World
02. 囚われのBabel  
03. 禁断のレジスタンス
05. 沈黙の果実  
06. Link or Chains
Cherry Boys -showcase
07. sympathy
08. Hungry Hungry
09. Sugar Doughnuts
10. Level Hi!
11. 天空のカナリア
12. Polaris
Insert movie
16. 革命デュアリズム
19. 時空サファイア
20. suddenly ~巡り合えて~
21. chronicle of sky
22. Phase 21
23. Trickster
24. Synchrogazer -Aufwachen Form-
Safari 2:

01. Turn the World 
02. 囚われのBabel  
03. 禁断のレジスタンス
06. Link or Chains
Cherry Boys -showcase
07. sympathy
08. Hungry Hungry
09. Sugar Doughnuts
10. Level Hi!
11. it's in the bag
12. Polaris
Insert movie
19. 時空サファイア
20. suddenly ~巡り合えて~
21. chronicle of sky
22. Phase 21
24. Synchrogazer -Aufwachen Form-

01.Turn the World / 02.囚われのBabel / 03.禁断のレジスタンス
Strong opener set! Turn the World makes for a pretty good starting song and Toraware no Babel keeps the momentum going nicely. I was really happy to get Kindan no Resistance as well as it is a fun one to do calls for Nana and it used to be my warm up song in karaoke for a very long time.

Day 1: Hello Mie! Nana says it's her first time back here in 10 years, as last time was for LIVE FLIGHT in 2014. during LIVE FLIGHT she promised she'd be back and finally she is! Nana mentions she had been to Mie for the Formula 1 stuff at Suzuka Circuit, but that’s pretty different experience entirely. She then sings a very little snippet of the national anthem for us before moving on.

Day 2: Same stuff as yesterday mostly. Nana talks a bit more talk about the Formula 1 performance and says it's so nice to be back in Mie singing her own songs this time. When she was doing the Formula performance she was shaking the whole time while MishiP was watching her sipping wine from some prime seats provided by Toyota. Soon Highspeed Etoile, which is also a racing anime in which Nana voices a character, is ending too so it seemed fitting to start LIVE JUNGLE at Mie.

04.ETERNAL BLAZE / 05.沈黙の果実 or NEVER SURRENDER / 06.Link or Chains
Big surprise already getting ETERNAL BLAZE here! There's a water gimmick on stage this time that has water pouring down as a light curtain in front of Nana on the stage, making different patterns as it comes down. During the "Eternal Blaze" call it actually spelled out ETERNAL BLAZE which was really really cool and at the end of the song it also spelled out JUNGLE.

Both Chinmoku no Kajitsu and NEVER SURRENDER took me off guard and it took me a while to get the hang of what song it was on each day, but my brain got there in the end. Link or Chains was a wonderful surprise as it is probably one of my most favorite Nana songs ever and I have been dying to get to hear it live since forever (the fan club online event does not count since it was not in person!!). As expected, it gave me all the feels.

Cherry Boys -showcase
Really loving the Cherry Boys song this time (Welcome to New World? I think). I can't for the life of me remember anything they said either on the first day or the second (sorry I am getting old...) though on the second day I do remember they were quizzing the audience on pretty random stuff. 

07.sympathy / 08.Hungry Hungry / 09.Sugar Doughnuts / 10.Level Hi!
SYMPATHY!!! I really wanted to hear this live this time as it's my favorite from the new single, so I am very pleased. I think it's one of those songs that really shines live, more so than recorded. Not a big fan of Hungry Hungry so it was a bit of a bummer that it stayed on for both days, but getting Sugar Doughnuts again was pretty fun. Was kinda surprised to already get the towel song as well with Level  Hi! at this point.

Day 1: Mawatte! Mou ikkai today was with Shitarantino. Nana asks him how is LIVE JUNGLE, though it only started, and he says it’s great to be a part of it. Nana then proceeds to explain the special corner for this tour - it’s what the Cherry Noys think is the "Number one xxxx Nana song" - it can be the the number one anything like the most difficult song, in this song I stand out the most thanks to the guitar solo, best song, etc. Nana explains that usually there are nine Cherry Boys, which would have meant one of them doesn't get to pick a song since this tour is only eight venues, but Fire is not feeling well so he is skipping the tour which makes eight and eight. The order will be based on the amount of time each has been part of Nana’s concert crew and the longest time on board is Martin. His song is the one that  packs the biggest emotional punch for him, which is Tenkuu no Kanaria.

Day 2: Mawatte! Mou ikkai this time with Champ! Champ also says he’s having a great time with LIVE JUNGLE. Nana said that last night in the Cherry Boys LINE group they sent pics of an amazing lobster dinner they were having without her and she is very jealous. She said even MishiP joined them even though he was just supposed to pop into the konbini for some food, but according to Ryutan they bumped into each other in the hotel lobby and thus they swooped MishiP with them into the car for delicious lobster time. Then onwards to the corner! Tonight is Kenny! Before telling us what song is his number one they’ll sing it otherwise it’s obvious apparently.

11.天空のカナリア or it's in the bag
Man, Martin has such good taste! Was not expecting to get to hear Tenkuu no Kanaria during this tour so it was a very wonderful surprise. I definitely agree with Martin that this song really hits you in the feels. Should have really seen Kenny's choice coming as well since the guitar in it's in the bag is really cool. Makes me really excited to see the rest of the songs for this corner since it looks like we'll get quite the mix of vastly different kinds of songs here!

Day 1: Continuing the talk after the song Martin says the canary bit is relatable to everyone even if other wise the song has a fantasy vibe. Nana says about her character Colette not being able to speak in Tales of Symphonia and her being the canary. Nana also tells us how actually her outfit was supposed to be like one of those tropical birds so it kinda fits with Martin's pick of Tenkuu no Canaria. Now for the one and only slower corner of the night.

Day 2: After the song Nana and Kenny talk a bit. Kenny was asked to write a song with a unique guitar part that can’t be replicated and he spent hours coming up with it’s in the bag. Nana asks him to make another song again with a cool guitar in the future. Then it's onwards to slow songs!

12.Polaris / 13.優しい記憶
Wow, it's really been a long time since I last hear Polaris! The starry sky portrayed in the stage screens really made it a wonderful experience and we then slid nicely into Yasashii Kiyoku which was an obvious pick for this slower bit being the only new slower song. For that we got some nice water works again with the water curtain gimmick.

insert movie
Researcher Nana in her laboratory all alone (apart from a Nanette robot)! She does her nails before getting on with the research of the day. For break time, she plays some ping pong with the Nanette robot, making the Nanette robot glitch thanks to hitting it on the head with the ball. While glitching Hiroshi Kamiya takes over the robot and encourages Nana to find the answer to her research from within her by doing a pun on the first day and doing some cute poses on the second.

Was waiting for ADRENALIZED to show up and there it is! Nana was lifted on a crane from the middle stage for it, which could do a 360 degree of movement bringing her closer to everyone around the venue. I feel like DAYBREAKERS has been popping up a lot in lives after its release so I guess she must be really fond of it? It does fit the theme of the insert movie so in that way it was not surprising to see it pop up for LIVE JUNGLE again. Kakumei Dualism was a fun addition and it was so much fun to get to sing with Nana as it always is! Personally I might have preferred DAYBREAKERS to be the rotating song just so I could get Kakumei Dualism every time, but regardless I am happy to get FINAL COMMANDER as that's also another badass song I love.

Day 1: Nana gives us an explanation of the insert movie and how she is trying to find the code that will essentially save the world. There was also a cameo by Hiroshi Kamiya as the Nanette robot. Since in the insert movie Kamiya asked Nana to perform a pun, of course that resulted in us asking for more puns so we got one both from Itaruvic and Nana related to Sun Arena and Mie (sorry don't remember the details...). She then mentions how the idea with the crane too was that she was going around giving that new energy she  was able to create in the insert movie to everyone. She says that she's done the crane before in Seibu Dome but this time was the first time in an arena live. Nana then tells us it's time for atsui songs from here on out again.

Day 2: Nana talks about the insert movie again. She tells us how hard it was filming things like the pun for last night's movie and the cute poses for tonight's as all the people present - the director, cameraman etc just stare at you quietly and you get no reaction from them at all and you have to do a million takes. This time since she did those cute poses in the insert movie we of course we asked her to do some more on stage. First she did the same as in the video and for mou ikkai she did a pose she likes from Hungry Hungry.

Here we get the typical rotation of SUPER GENERATION / POWER GATE, though I wasn't expecting to get to hear Zenryoku DREAMER again so soon. Getting to heare Jikuu Sapphire gave me a wave of nostalgic memories of LIVE UNION, man that was really some time ago!

Day 1: Nana then tells us it's time for last song. She’s so happy to see everyone’s faces finally and what kind of expressions people are making for each song since for LIVE PARADE it was still masks on. That’s why she’s choosing songs that we can participate in and it was especially great to hear everyone sing Kakumei Dualism together with her. This last song is also one of those participatory ones.

Day 2: Time for last song! Over the years Nanas songs have evolved and they evolve even more when she sings them live and we participate with her, she says to us. Even this song that’s already over 20 years old still keeps taking on new forms thanks to us.

20.suddenly ~巡り合えて~
We get a golden oldie in Suddenly ~Meguriaete~ for the last song! This was definitely a fun one to end the day with as the older songs have in a way more participatory penlight choreographies.


21.chronicle of sky / 22.Phase 21
Another blast from the past with chronicle of sky! I was not expecting it to be followed by Phase 21 since I kind of figured we wouldn't be hearing it again any time soon, but getting to hear it reminds me that I really need to practice it more at karaoke since they currently have the live version of that available. It's just so fast!!

Day 1: Nana asks us to do Shassu seven times! She talks about how it’s been 22 years of smile gang now and how this years batsu game will be crazy since the points keep racking up. M no Sekai also has soon been going for over 777 eps. She then excitedly explains about the real plants on stage and how they actually help keep the temperature pretty cool stage side and then she also talks about the water curtain and how it really is real water.

Day 2: Shassu again of course! Nana talks about smile-gang as usual and calls it obaachan talk lol. She also mentions that M no Sekai is reaching 777 at the start of July which is also the 7th month! How cool is that?

23.Trickster or TRANSMIGRATION / 24.Synchrogazer -Aufwachen Form-
More blasts from the past with Trickster and TRANSMIGRATION for this corner! Really enjoyed hearing both after song long, felt pretty refreshing. Synchrogazer -Aufwachen Form- was a really great finisher as well for the night. I kept waiting for a Symphogear song all night (especially on the first day since we didn't get FINAL COMMANDER then) and here it was!

Day 1: After the thank yous on stage when Nana was going around saying her final greetings to everyone, she tried to throw some streamers from the stage to people but they don’t fly at all and she failed every time she tried. D:

Day 2: Today during her final greetings, we got extra "sympathy" out of Nana as the BGM for her going around was an instrumental version of Sympathy.

After Nana leaves the stage, the names of folks who participated in the flower project for this day were displayed on the big screens by the stage and we had the rare opportunity to take some pics. Spotted some Hong Kong fans I know on the second night!

Day 1

Day 2

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