Friday 31 May 2024

glitch -Translation-

I am back again with more translations - this time with glitch as promised, which is another favorite of my quality checker Chinatsu and myself! Might be a bit slow in pumping out new ones for a while as she is currently busy traveling the world.

QC credits here go to her of course as well.

Glitch was honestly pretty interesting to do, since it uses a lot of terms that you'd use for an actual physical wound, rather than an emotional one.



Japanese English
噛み合わない 感情 笑っているときほど虚しかったんだ
愛を向けられるほど 孤独が怖くなったんだ
心を食われるみたいな そんな夜に襲われた
だれも私のこと 忘れた世界はほら静かだ
Emotions that don't mesh together, when I'm smiling I felt empty
The more love that comes my way, the more afraid I became of loneliness
As if my heart was being eaten out, I was seized by such a night
See, a world where everyone has forgotten me is silent
癒着してた嘘を剥がして 燃えるような傷の
ねぇ なんでなんでなんでなんでなんで
分かり合えなくて 永遠に 届かない
Ripping off the coagulating lies, the ugliness
of my bare burning wounds made me despair
Hey, why why why why why
why why why why why
why why why why why
can't we understand each other, it won't reach eternally
握った手はもう力ない 拒絶反応
こんな近いのに なにひとつ叶わないの
傷を舐めあって 後悔しあって
また新しい傷をつけて刻む 独りよがり
白と黒の間に飾り付けて 答えを投げる
The hand I held onto has no strength left anymore, rejection reaction
We're this close to each other, but everything remains unrequited
Licking each other's wounds, regretting together
Again a new wound is carved, self-conceit
I noticed a feeling I have no name for
embellishing the gap between black and white I throw an answer
running away into a vague dream
胸に秘めた いびつな想いを見透かすような 君の揺れた 瞳
ねぇ もっともっともっともっともっと
Your darting eyes seem to see through the crooked feelings I hid in my heart
I want to relish that moment again
Hey, when the more more more more more
more more more more more
more more more more more
I start wanting, it won't reach anymore
歪んだ視界 優しさも今は痛くて
壊れた分別も 価値ない正解も 厭な欲望も
爛れた愛情も 隠した執着も 苦しい葛藤も
My slanted vision, even your kindness hurts now
My body that became transparent feels so good
Even the broken discernment, and the worthless right answers, and my nasty desires,
and my festering love, and my hidden attachments, and painful conflicts
won't end won't end won't end won't end won't end
癒着してた嘘を剥がして 燃えるような傷の
ねぇ なんでなんでなんでなんでなんで
分かり合えなくて 永遠に 届かない
Peeling off the coagulating lies, the ugliness
of my bare burning wounds made me despair
Hey, why why why why why
why why why why why
why why why why why
can't we understand each other, it won't reach eternally

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