Starting my marathon of LIVE HOME reports with the very first one in Hyogo! I already mentioned this on my Twitter as well, but my heart goes out to all of you who still could not enter Japan to attend the tour due to the frustrating entry restrictions. I'm really sorry you could not be here even now to start healing from the past few years by filling your heart with the things you love again. I truly hope next time you will be able to be here once more. When the time comes I'd like to meet more of you and make plenty of fun memories together to make up for all bad times! Stay safe and keep taking care of yourself till then <3
I had kind of hoped that they'd take security a bit more seriously at concerts now in light of what happened to Abe just around a week before, but nah... still no bag checks or anything. :< On the one hand it's awesome to be in a country where it is deemed unnecessary, but.... Anyways! Onwards into the venue! The stage set for LIVE HOME is pretty neat, with a winding road serving as the stage extending to the middle, and the rest having quite a Western/Casino vibe. There was even a guitar sign that is a total rip off of the classic Hard Rock Cafe guitar, but which said "Nana Rock" instead. xD Soooo, since I can't post pictures of the stage set itself here is the closest thing:
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Of course we had to go pay our respects to the Hard Rock Cafe guitar after. |
01. New Sensation
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Nijigen no Mori! |
01. New Sensation / 02. POWER GATE / 03. Go Live!
Definitely not the opener I was expecting! This felt way more like an encore line up than an opening act, so it didn't really fire me up for what was to come after, but considering the outfit she was wearing I'd have been pretty disappointed if POWER GATE hadn't shown up here considering that the whole music clip for that is kinda cowboy inspired as well.
Nana welcomes us to LIVE HOME! It's been three years since last tour! She also mentions how many days it had been exactly, but my tired brain forgot the number almost instantly.... sorry. ^^; The starting location for LIVE EXPRESS (the previous tour) was also here in this very same venue in Hyogo.
She asks if we were all like "oh is it encore time?" since we got typical encore songs as the opener set.
Waves of nostalgia hit me when the opening melody for Justice to Believe started and it kind of felt like I even got transported back to a time when the world was kind of normal and this was what my life was - even though I had always been grateful to be able to attend lives as much as I did, I had definitely taken all of that for granted to some extend back then. Aaand just as my thoughts were spiraling down that hole we got Spiral as well off the new album! Really great song to be hearing live!
Cherry Boys -showcase
This somehow went by so fast again like how I felt it did during LIVE RUNNER too.... maybe my sense of time has just gotten out of whack in the past few years? Ryutan went around asking everyone "this or that?" questions, most of which I didn't quite catch but the few I did were him asking Itaruvich "Kobe beef or Omi beef?" to which Itaruvich replied 「にくいね」(= "nikui ne" which is a fun pun since it means "that's difficult (to answer)" but in Japanese "niku" also means "meat"). Then, Sho-chan (I think) was asked "Rakuten or Amazon?" and replied "Yodobashi" I believe. And then Yutapon was asked "Apple or Windows?" and replied "Nintendo".... xDDD
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Kinda Nana related! Naruto & Boruto Shinobi-zato! |
Outfit #2
Colorful Stripes Dress
Mawatte -calls! Well... not calls, but Nana asking us if we want her to mawatte and us waving our penlights around in reply. xD The new keyboardist got the honors of mawatte'ing with her for the mou ikkai. Nana talks with him a bit after. They first collaborated in Hibari 7 Days apparently! He’s actually from Hyogo and then went to Tokyo for Todai, so Nana comments that he must be very smart. He then mentions that actually music was his dream and he only went to Todai because his parents wouldn’t have forgiven him otherwise, so honestly it was all so they would be satisfied and he could pursue music like he wanted. xD
The special corner for the tour is introduced! Nana actually wanted to do it in live runner, but that was cancelled so she took the opportunity to do it this time for LIVE HOME. The special corner is “Nana’s firsts” and tonight we get “Nana’s first anime op song” ! Which is of course....
Then it's time for Double Shuffle! This is definitely one of my favorite songs from the new album, but the acoustics in this venue didn't seem to do it much justice. Hopefully the next one will! Also, while I knew it was a really fast song (I've been singing it in karaoke and all) it only really hit me how fast now when seeing Nana sing it in person. She was dancing around energetically during it too and a part of me was afraid she might stumble or something. Luckily, she did not. Oh. My. God!! MARIA&JOKER!! Such a perfect follow up to Double Shuffle! This used to be one of my top favorites, since my bestie from university times is called Maria and my username for the university system was JOKR1, kinda making me the joker (I might have mentioned this on my blog before, so sorry if it's an old yarn!). xD So really happy to hear it tonight!
Team Yo-da -showcase
Okay at first I was pretty confused as to what was going on because this started as an insert movie of Nana doing a Persona 5 like heist?? To very Persona-like music? Also dressed very Persona 5?? Oh man!! So awesome! It lasted pretty long before the Team Yo-da intros began.
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Kakashi-sensei and Ramen Ichiraku! |
Then suddenly... Dancing in the velvet moon! I got a major déjà vu to LIVE CASTLE where we got it with Nana wearing bunny ears since today, she had cat ears on. When I had already given up on getting to hear it.... DNA -Dance 'n' Amuse-!! Not yet sold on the dance but damn the song itself sounds amazing live. I am satisfied, this is all I wanted from LIVE HOME, haha. What's with me and my obsession with all the dance songs specifically?!
Nana talks about the car of course. It is this time’s norimono! It was supposed to be driven from one end of the stage to the other, but the engine stalled and they only made it to the middle. She reassures that it will make a full recovery for the second night in Hyogo. It’s a Cadillac (but due to copyright reasons it’s not, so Nana only calls it a *cough*llac). She picked it with the home theme in mind. It’s name is Nanallac, which I guess also nicely sounds quite close to Nanaluck. xD
She talks at length about all her recent tv appearances, though I don't remember that segment in detail - sorry! Then it's time for the first and only ballad of the evening.
14. Stand by you
So fitting for tonight! Makes me kind of wonder if Nana had Final Fantasy XV here as a bit of an inspiration considering the road trip vibes and that having Stand By Me as part of the soundtrack? Anyways, once again a fitting song considering the times we live in. Honestly, all of DELIGHTED REVIVER is like that isn't it. This definitely worked like a proper soul cleanser tonight. <3
Family Sitcom -insert movie
Well.. uhhh dunno how I feel about this tbh. x'D It was a weirdly long sitcom of a Caucasian family where the mom and son were arranging a surprise bday party for the dad and all the people were dubbed in Japanese by Nana and Misato. It is kinda interesting how many foreigners have been popping up in Nana's stuff in the recent years and while it is nice in one way, it is also kinda weird in another. At least there was a Sailor Moon joke in this so that I can appreciate (Nana saying "in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!")! By the end of the thing, the bday cake was on fire and everyone was screaming, leading us into (lol)......
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Take a deep breath and balance that chakra. |
Nana’s current outfit is made of bits and pieces of live shirts! Even the hair ornaments are strips from various live shirts (but she swung her head so much during the segment just now that some fell off, woops). The outfit is heavily featuring the Ibaraki shirt from LIVE HOME, since finally once she goes there on this tour she’s conquered all 47 prefectures!
(This is when I realized that I had been dumb and forgot that Ibaraki would have been a special venue to attend this time around thanks to this milestone! I felt kinda bummed that I hadn't bothered to apply for those tickets so I looked if there were any still available in general sale later... and there was?! So guess who is going to Ibaraki this weekend.... ^^;;)
Nana then talks about the sitcom. As part of the home theme she went for a home comedy. Her and Misato did all the voices for it and they included some very old neta from smile-gang so she wondered if there were any folks who managed to catch it. It also featured Misato’s protein song! And yep, it was linked to FIRE SCREAM with the cake that was on fire and people wanting to scream. x'D
Nana tells us the next song encompasses all her feelings from the time past two years and she asks us to accept these feelings that she'll throw at us.
Japanese | English |
奏でよう 想いを歌にして この声が君にとって 明日を生きる理由に なるなら 誰もひとりぼっちにならないように | Let's make music, put our feelings into song If this voice will be a reason for you to live tomorrow so that no one will be left alone on their own |
And then, of course ETERNAL BLAZE! In the latter half of the song, there seemed to be some kind of fumble as typically Nana's pronunciation of words is super clear and suddenly it was like she was mumbling? It seemed like it was because she was about to launch into the wrong lyrics and then resorted to mumbling instead, but it was weird since typically she catches and corrects these kind of things in the blink of an eye but this time it took her a while to catch back onto the correct lyrics. In general too, something felt a bit off in this corner and I am still not quite sure whether the acoustics in the venue really were a bad fit for more intense and powerful songs like this or if Nana was having a bit of a hard time as a result of having Covid a while back. If it's the latter, I sure am grateful that she can still be her usual self to like 95% capacity and we did not lose her wonderful gifts to this asshole pandemic.
Nana tells us it's time for the last song. She tells us that doing lives in person is definitely the best, since she can everyone react to her. You just don’t get that when doing online evens, this kind of feeling of playing catch with each other's hearts (心のキャッチボール). The next song encompasses her feelings about continuing to create this atmosphere together.
This definitely was a fitting choice for the closing song!! Honestly I feel like this is such a fitting song for Nana in general too (yeah I know she wrote the lyrics herself so ofc, but still, I just wanted to say that xD)!
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Next time I will zipline in Godzilla's mouth for sure! |
Ohhh! Was not expecting to get to hear Lazy Syndrome! Though the moment it started up, I did realize that it was fitting considering with the lack of things to do during the pandemic we are all feeling the lazy syndrome aren't we. Nana was going around on a platform that looked a bit like a tree house from something like Winnie The Pooh, with a little Nanette sitting on a swing under the platform bit she was standing on. We had seats really close to the edge of the stand at the opposite end of the hall, so we had hoped she'd come right by us, but she trolled us hard and turned to go across to the other side amidst some of the arena blocks. orz Next up RODEO COWGIRL! Not one of my favorites, but pretty expectable considering the cowboy/ranch theme of LIVE HOME.
Nana thanks us for calling her back for encore (well not really calling... but anyways)! Shaaaaaassu! Cherry boys doing low and high voices to emulate guys and girls. Nana hopes that the day will come again soon when we can all do this call again like we used to. She then talks about smile-gang as usual. Maybe eventually it can become a during the day radio show instead of a night time one (someone else also managed to do that recently I think, but don’t remember the name she mentioned).
She then says she spotted Fujino-san in the audience when she went around and got so surprised, but he is a member of the FC sooooo it shouldn't be that surprising actually she adds! The stage lights shine on Fujino-san here and he waves! She says she wants to do a LIVE GRACE IV and that she is sorry in advance for all the crazy new songs with sudden changing pitches and fast tempo and whatnot. Even the Cherry Boys were like ahhh during rehearsals apparently.
水樹奈々さん「LIVE HOME」。初日公演には、オーケストラライブ「LIVE GRACE」シリーズで指揮をされている藤野浩一さんが来て下さり、翌日には音楽家ならではの視点とファン目線両方からの、とても励みになる内容のメッセージを頂きました。今後の公演に向けて、本当に貴重かつ嬉しい出来事でした😊。
— 渡辺格 (@Erital) July 20, 2022
(↑ The gang with Fujino-san after tonight, courtesy of Itaruvich's Twitter)
Nana then says the next song is one that shares the name with the tour of course - HOME!
23. HOME
Honestly would have been the biggest troll if this song hadn't shown up tonight. xD It's not really my type of song in general, but it is definitely a good addition to the list of possible encore songs! And this, if any song on DELIGHTED REVIVER, is the most fitting for the current circumstances. Listening to this now here tonight really made me appreciate the sentiment of us being here like this touring with Nana is really like us finally being "home".
Then it's time for the actual last song.
24. No Limit
Oh and now we are getting a previous opener song as the final encore song! We've gone full circle tonight folks by starting with typical encore songs and then ending with an opener. xD Not that I mind at all!
After, Nana goes around to greet everyone and then tries to throw the streamers that fell on the middle stage down to the fans, but fails. D'awww! She’s like "I wanted to give these to you guys but no go! I’ll get someone to do it!" (And then they were actually handing them out at the exits later, which was so nice! Wish they'd do that every time! )
Nana says that we are now little by little heading towards a better time and asks people to take care of themselves and be careful till we get there.
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Thanks for the memories, Kobe! <3 |
And that's all for my Hyogo tripping folks! Please look forward to Ibaraki next for the celebration of Nana having conquered all prefectures!
Hello, great report as always! All of the outfits sound very interesting, and other than a 2~3 songs I didn't really like from Delighted Reviver, the setlist is pretty solid! So happy to see Dancing in the velvet moon back in rotation (now if only Nana would sing Trinity Cross more often too), and definitely excited to see My Entertainment and DNA's performances. I didn't expect that Reboot would actually be a dance song as well. Looking forward to the Ibaraki report!
ReplyDeleteHeyyyy! o/ Thanks for commenting like always! ^^ Helps me stay motivated to keep going. Which songs didn't you like much from Delighted Reviver? I wasn't too into the album at first myself, but it keeps growing on me every day. Especially after looping it all the way to Ibaraki in the car.
DeleteDancing in the velvet moon really was a nice surprise! Feels like it's been ages since the last time (definitely also ages since Trinity Cross... ; ;).
I managed to finish the Ibaraki report just now so hope you'll enjoy that one too!
Zenryoku Dreamer, Home, and Go Live! were not my cup of tea from the album, but the rest of the songs were fine for me. I do feel that Cannonball Running was a better album, though.
DeleteYeah, those 3 songs were the ones that weren't really doing it for me either and I too felt Cannonball Running was the stronger album for sure.
DeleteThough, I do appreciate Delighted Reviver for it being probably the album we -need- after these tough few years. A lot of songs have a message that fits very well with what we've been through thanks to the pandemic and I'll probably try and find the time to translate quite many of them!