Monday 10 June 2019

Various Event Shenanigans

Some brief thoughts on a couple of smaller events I had a chance to attend last fall! Not too much of Nana in either, so I'm mainly focusing on my experience rather than the content and keeping it short. :3

若おかみは小学生!Stage Greeting
I never had the chance to attend a stage greeting for a movie before, so now that I am back to residing in Japan I thought why not! The movie itself was also better than I expected, so that made it a double win! However... I don't think I will attend any more stage greetings. xD I'm pretty sensitive to how other people are feeling.... and this whole thing just felt super awkward. There was a lot of motionless posing from all the seiyuu for all the various press photographers who were there and it felt a bit weird to have a theater full of people just staring at that lol. At least it was the birthday of the girl who voices the main character so she got a cake and a surprise present. She was really adorable in general, being so in character all the way - even with how she dressed! even the other seiyuus, like Nana, had color coordinated their outfits to match their characters.

TGS: Death Stranding Stage Event
Me and my friends had the foresight to go lurk around the PlayStation stage a couple of events before and thus managed to make it about 10 meters from the stage. Once the Death Stranding event started, I looked behind and holy shit the whole hall had filled up to the brim with people that had come to watch it. It was insane! If we had wanted to leave for some reason there would have been absolutely no way to. xD Anyways, since the stage event was mainly Kojima-san talking more than anything else, I won't really delve into it, but here's a link to the whole thing on YouTube:


  1. lol that "just staring"
    i saw how they did for captain marvel (on youtube)
    is like after the small talk, they will just take photo on stage with loads of clicking sounds and flashes

    then all ok? move on to stand with audience and hold the board and say captain marvel~ and pose/freeze that www..

    i wonder how the fans endure all these stage greeting although they only seeing nana and other seiyuus

    1. Yeah, exactly!

      It's a really weird feeling being there just looking on while all that happens, especially with how bright the lights are in the movie theater. xD
