Trick 7 at Seibu Dome, hajimarimasu~~! |
(For report on LIVE CIRCUS 2013 Trick 1 in Ehime, go [here]!
And for report on LIVE CIRCUS 2013 Trick 6 at Seibu Dome, go [here]!)
I wasn't really planning on buying anything today, but since it was the 7th LIVE CIRCUS concert and the color of the limited shirt was quite nice (I totally predicted the exact color last night btw, man I am good xD) I decided to pop by and get myself one for memory value. Sadly though, since I didn't go queue this morning and only went to the goods stands a bit before the concert, I was only able to get myself an L shirt.... which is ridiculously huge on me. orz oh well.
Cha-chang~! |
Inside Seibu Dome
Today's seat was on the right side of the stand (when looking from the back of the dome) with a nice view of the middle stage and a decent view of the main stage too. Also, the seats weren't too many rows away from the edge of the stand which meant that Nana would be passing by quite close with her cart during encore, happy times!
The concert
Today's LIVE CIRCUS started like business as usual.... except... G-Rockets weren't doing their tricks on the gym balls this time. They were doing acrobatics without them. I wonder why? Had something happened with the balls yesterday or were they just offering us some variation? Well, even without the balls their performance was very nice to watch and very good. Then it was time for~~
01. Gimmick Game
02. Lovely Fruit
03. ミラクル☆フライト
04. Dear Dream
05. Fearless Hero
Cherry Boys Showcase
06. Get my drift?
08. 水中の青空
Team Yoda Showcase
11. Happy☆Go-Round!
12. keep your hands in the air
13. Late Summer Tale
14. Crescent Child
Nana in Circus -short movie
15. Naked Soldier
16. Synchrogazer
19. Vitalization
20. 愛の星
21. Astrogation
23. Love Brick
Encore II:
24. Preserved Roses
Bonus MC
And before I start my detailed account, I would just like to thank Mr. @flying_mug for looking up pictures for me to use in this entry and also for gracing me with his lovely company for this concert evening~
And now then...
Outfit #1 - Circus
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Most of these pics are from KoePota, don't mind their ridiculously huge reminder of themselves in a corner of the pics.. (=.=;) |
01. Gimmick Game
Whoa, this song flew past today. One moment it had started and then it was done. Noooo, come back Gimmick Game! I didn't have the time to cherish you well enough today! orz
Whoa, this song flew past today. One moment it had started and then it was done. Noooo, come back Gimmick Game! I didn't have the time to cherish you well enough today! orz
02. Lovely Fruit
I was hoping to have a bit of a better view of this today than yesterday, but nope. I don't know if I just hadn't noticed them yesterday, but it seemed to me there were more cameras around today and sadly one was making its rounds right in my line of sight of the stage. orz Oh well. I shouldn't complain, I had such a good view in Ehime. Need to remind myself lol. Btw on a random side note, I can't believe that I didn't think much of this song the first times I heard it.. I love it so much now haha. I hope to keep on hearing it live many more times to come~
03. ミラクル☆ファイト
Okay, this song was a trippy experience. It took me half the song to start thinking "how strange, I don't remember doing this penlight choreograph yesterday" and only then did I realize that well duh, this wasn't What cheer?. Such an epic fail. I think the sun is doing some bad things to my brain... How am I ever supposed to write a good thesis if I am like this? orz well even when I wasn't aware of what song it was, I sure was enjoying it a lot all happily waving my penlight around lol.
Welcome~~ ii kimochi ne! There has been bad weather the past days, but today there is a nice breeze in the dome. Compared to the last Seibu Dome lives that Nana has had that were hot as hell, this is very nice. Nana says it must be the work of the Seibu gods lol. She then talks about the tour in general - how it started in Ehime and how it already is the 7th concert tonight and says that let's make it a special one! Again Nana mentions the live karaoke that took place today too. She says that since she couldn't go watch it herself, she asked Team Mizuki to go shoot a video for her and when they watched it, everyone had been very touched by how people were so into the hey hey heys during POP MASTER etc.
Outfit #1 - Revamped
Oddly enough, still no released pic of this.. sorry.. orz
04. Dear Dream
Here I was hoping for You have a dream again, but Dear Dream works very well too~ My body got excited about it before my mind was able to register what song it was. Always such a funny feeling when that happens. :3 I do think that these songs about dreams are the best choices for before Fearless Hero, be it this one or You have a dream. This was again one song that I hadn't even considered I would be hearing live eventually, so it was very nice to get to hear it.
05. Fearless Hero
I feel pretty ashamed that I don't have much to say about Fearless Hero, but... I don't know. I try to like it more than I do, but even though the message of the song is nice I just don't feel much. I guess it didn't help that today Nana was singing this very far from me since I wasn't close to the back of the arena this time and only really had a view of her from behind.
Cherry Boys Showcase
Detailed report of Cherry Boy Seven G video in [Ehime report]. This time when Ryutan went around introducing everyone, he was asking all the Cherry Boys what they have done in the summer or plan on doing. Kado-D wanted to go to a hanabi daikai (fireworks), and Shu-chan wanted to go with him lolwut. Fire wants to go skiing in New Zealand and Tom-kun wants to go skiing on mount Fuji lool what is up with all this skiing, it's summer guys~ xD Yutapon wants to have bbq at the beach. Sho-chan still hasn't gone up Sky Tree so he wants to do that finally (wonder if he ever will get around to it? lol). Kenny: "Natsu ni mo... KENNY NUMBER ONE~!" <- best answer hands down. xD Kenny distracted me so badly that I don't remember what Ryutan, Aniki or Martin said.... sorry.. orz
06. Get my drift?
Tonight Nana made a little mistake and instead of starting with the first verse, she started with "そういつでも私の想い
わかってない...", which I felt was a very fitting emphasis considering how I had felt the previous night. Thanks Nana for caring about my life and frustrations like this~ ww Anyways, I really respect Nana more and more every time I hear her do these mistakes, since the way she fixes them so smoothly like nothing happened always wows me. I really hope there is going to be a TV special on LIVE CIRCUS in the next couple of months, because if I need to wait till BD/DVD release to hear Get my drift? again, I will be very sad.. orz It is so powerful and overbearing live, even more so than on the album and I love that so much.
Yayyy~ thanks for giving me UNBREAKABLE again Nana! I really think I do need a steady dose of UNBREAKABLE live so that I can remember my goals and my determination and why I am currently where I am. Somehow it works as a slap in the face every time. Though maybe not as effective as usual today, because of the heat making me so slurry.. orz I am so not made for Japanese summer... *mumble grumble mumble*
Nana talks about Cherry Boy Seven G once again, and how the first Cherry Boy Seven concert was her first arena concert ever and this time this is Nana's first time doing a dome concert during a tour. She then goes to talk about her senpai taking part in the video again and turns out he is in the audience tonight actually. Anyways, to commemorate her conquering a dome during a tour, she will sing a song she recorded as a demo before getting scouted by Mishi-P and King Records.
08. 水中の青空
As much as I reaaaally love Shounen, I did hope Suichuu no Aozora would be on the set list today (because of BD/DVD possibility). This old song somehow reverberates through my whole body, like ripples of water on the surface of a lake. Somehow I really like the lighting for this song, since it gives the underwater feel. I think I mentioned the lights in my Ehime post too. Sort of strange, I don't really admire the lighting usually, but they really makes this song overkill awesome. xD
Today I was finally able to handle STAR ROAD a lot better than before. No tears were shed even~! *a small personal triumph* I listened to this song in a nice peaceful trance this time and I just can't express how beautiful it is to listen to. I have come to realize though that it has maybe become as sad a song to me as what Crescent Child is. Nee Nana, can I still one day get a full-orchestra version of this song so I can cry my eyes out endlessly and shamelessly...?
Team Yoda Showcase
For this part, G-Rockets is back with the usual acrobat wheel performance. I still do wonder why they didn't have their gym balls at the beginning.. oh well. After they are done, Team Yoda shows up and do their introductions. I am sad that this will be the last time for a while that I am hearing this song. I think that I ended up liking this even more than the LIVE CASTLE one, who would have thought.
For this part, G-Rockets is back with the usual acrobat wheel performance. I still do wonder why they didn't have their gym balls at the beginning.. oh well. After they are done, Team Yoda shows up and do their introductions. I am sad that this will be the last time for a while that I am hearing this song. I think that I ended up liking this even more than the LIVE CASTLE one, who would have thought.
Outfit #3 - Princess Jasmine
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Say hello to Nambo~~ |
POWER GATE is back~~ Kinda felt weird having Nana stand static on her elephant for this song since I'm used to seeing her going around one way or another during it lol but it was quite fun like this too. Even if she was so far at the back of the arena for this song again. I got to stare at some sexy elephant butt~ mm mm haha.
POWER GATE is back~~ Kinda felt weird having Nana stand static on her elephant for this song since I'm used to seeing her going around one way or another during it lol but it was quite fun like this too. Even if she was so far at the back of the arena for this song again. I got to stare at some sexy elephant butt~ mm mm haha.
11. Happy☆Go-Round!
Towel song time while Nana makes her way back towards the main stage. I was totally in some bubble of my own, because I have no recollection of my towel antics today. So weird. Guess that just shows I was having a really fun time. :3
Like always, Nana starts by talking about Nambo and its naming. Then this time she also talks about how detailed the elephant is and we see a zoomed view of it on the big screens. It is indeed very well made. For some reason, we don't do a mawatte-call today. Nana gives the mic to Martin so he can entertain us while she gets ready for her next song. Martin's been with Nana on her lives for a long time (and used to do some singing? lol did I hear that correctly?). The next song will be an old one from Dream Skipper... to commemorate being as old as Martin in Nana's team? Maybe? xD
12. keep your hands in the air
Holy shit...!! I think for me this song popping up has been the biggest surprise that LIVE CIRCUS has brought my way on its set lists. If you've read what I wrote about Climb Up in my entry on LIVE CIRCUS at Ehime, well let me tell you... Keep your hands in the air now compared to back when she last performed it live was even more amazing to see than Climb Up and Climb Up was already amazing as hell. Honestly, take a look at her performing Keep your hands in the air in LIVE SKIPPER COUNTDOWN. It's cute but at the same time so awkward. And now........ it was so sexy. All those small hip shakes. Like whoa, who is this sexy lady and where did she come from? lol. Honestly, if this is not going to be on the BD/DVD release I'm going to go into a lifelong mourning. I NEED to see this again. Ehum... apart from that.. this song coming up made me think of my good friend @SunaoWolfie, since back in the day when I made her start listening to Nana she told me she loved this song. And that in turn made me start listening to it too. Miss you my Apprentice. <3
13. Late Summer Tale
I was very overjoyed that this song came up in the present company (though, gomen I never ended up singing this in karaoke.. orz). It is starting to be a very appropriate time of year for this song. I think it took me a moment to realize once again, what song this was but I recovered from it faster than usual. xD Reminds me of how I used to play this game of "guess the Nana song" with a couple of my friends in the UK. Good times~ Guess this popped into my mind because of the last song already making me reminiscence about one of the said friends.
14. Crescent Child
Time for the saddest song of the day~~ kinda feels weird having this come after two such energy-striving songs but I guess this works as a good way of calming the mood. :3 I have forgotten to mention before, but it has been really nice to get to hear Tom-kun play the piano solo of this song live. So amazing~ all of it made my heart clench, but no crying for this song today either! I am on a roll.
Time for the saddest song of the day~~ kinda feels weird having this come after two such energy-striving songs but I guess this works as a good way of calming the mood. :3 I have forgotten to mention before, but it has been really nice to get to hear Tom-kun play the piano solo of this song live. So amazing~ all of it made my heart clench, but no crying for this song today either! I am on a roll.
Nana in Circus -short movie
Time for the short movie of Nana in the circus~ For detailed description, go to [Ehime report] again. I was so happy to get to see the epic Seibu Dome live-action battle sequence a bit closer today compared to yesterday and I have to say that I really can't get enough of how amazing it is. Such a brilliant idea. Really made shivers run down my spine... the Jester summoning the flames and Nana conquering him with the water. Ahh~ I really can't wait to loop this on the BD/DVD either. Among all the other things I could and will loop...
Outfit #4 - Fairy soldier
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Climax of the battle~ |
15. Naked Soldier
Nakeddd Soldieerrrr~! Looks like the epic emotional SCARLET KNIGHT'ish kneeling has made a comeback tonight! I really don't know why I like it so much when she does that, but I do. It just works so well with songs like this. :3 This is really one of the best parts of all of LIVE CIRCUS - the combination of this song and the live-action fight on the stage. Both make me shiver from such delight and epicness. Really happy I got to see it, and a few times even.
16. Synchrogazer
Oh wow, Synchrogazer again! I feel so spoiled. I love this song so much and I got to hear it both days at Seibu Dome. It felt strange though getting it now.... and then I realized that it was replacing Preserved Roses. I didn't think about it much, I just figured that if this day is going to be on the BD/DVD they probably just didn't want to have Nana singing with a recording on it. After this thought process my mind was too preoccupied with enjoying Synchrogazer to think of other possibilities.
Okay so... I think I got a heat stroke here or something because I absolutely have no recollection of what this MC was mainly about lol. It has escaped my mind completely. orz Apart from Nana asking us if we are ready for the atsui songs that are coming next.
This weekend has really made me notice the change in song order for LIVE CIRCUS. The switch from having Happy☆Go-Round! happen on Nambo and then LINKAGE and Vitalization swapping places too. The latter seems more weird to me, since I feel that Vitalization being a new song seems more logical right after an MC, but I guess they wanted it to be the icing on the cake in this atsui corner instead. Oh well, all that pondering didn't stop me from enjoying LINKAGE to the fullest~!
This weekend has really made me notice the change in song order for LIVE CIRCUS. The switch from having Happy☆Go-Round! happen on Nambo and then LINKAGE and Vitalization swapping places too. The latter seems more weird to me, since I feel that Vitalization being a new song seems more logical right after an MC, but I guess they wanted it to be the icing on the cake in this atsui corner instead. Oh well, all that pondering didn't stop me from enjoying LINKAGE to the fullest~!
Time for the legendary song of all Nana concerts once more~~ and thus the orange sea of lights was born yet again. Surrounded by all the orange is starting to give me a very cozy and comfortable feeling every time it happens now - when EtaBure starts up, I am home. Something like that lol. And it really makes me want to give my fullest during it too.
Time for the legendary song of all Nana concerts once more~~ and thus the orange sea of lights was born yet again. Surrounded by all the orange is starting to give me a very cozy and comfortable feeling every time it happens now - when EtaBure starts up, I am home. Something like that lol. And it really makes me want to give my fullest during it too.
19. Vitalization
Truee soooong~! I really don't know how it happened but I really really love Vitalization now. It's been sneaking up on my heart without me noticing. It really didn't hit it off with me no matter how much I looped it this past week or so, and suddenly it is so amazing to me. Wish I had already appreciated it this much in Ehime, it seems like I wasted one of the times I heard it live. orz
And now, it is time for the last song. This moment in all the concerts always comes too soon. Nana says that since this is such a special night, she will sing a song expressing all the love she has for all the important people she's met and so forth. And of course she is talking about the Yamato song even though she sang it last night too~
20. 愛の星
Even though I already thought this song was really beautiful from the first time I heard it, I do think that hearing Nana sing it twice this weekend has brought me a much deeper appreciation of it. Ai no Hoshi, starting from tonight, has touched me much deeper than I ever anticipated. And I like that. It is a special song for Nana and it should feel special to me too~ Thank you Nana for giving us this amazingly beautiful and emotional experience. Though.. I do kind of feel bad for Yakusoku. Is it ever going to make it to a BD/DVD? I sure hope so, it is also such an important song to Nana after all.
Encore call!
Naa-na, Naa-na~!
Naa-na, Naa-na~!
Outfit #5 - Encore
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Skirt with American flag instead of flower shorts tonight~ Ehime's shorts remain my favorite though. |
21. Astrogation
I was really hoping for Astrogation tonight, since it didn't come last night and I knew my companion really likes this song~ so I was very glad it came! Somehow if nothing else, this song will always pick me up and make me hopeful. Fills me with light~
Nana thanks us for calling her back~ and then it is time for shassu! She does the call separately for boys and girls and omg wtf I seem to be the only girl shouting it from this side of the dome... you can only hear my voice.... So embarrassing. Almost made me shut up halfway through the call. "orz Seriously, I can't be the only girl on this side! I even see some from where I am standing... why are they keeping their mouths shut?! I don't remember being the only one for POWER GATE earlier tonight! Seriously wtf? God, I almost got a heart attack. (x_x;) Ehum, anyway.... Again to commemorate this special night, next song will be the first she wrote herself, so...
As I predicted earlier today, Nana came around on her cart from the other side of the stage tonight than she did yesterday. From today's seat I got to see Nana up close near the end of the song when she passed by my side of the arena... and then it was time for the moment I had been dreading since before the song... After what happened with the shassu-call, I was a bit worried about how the "laa la laa la" part at the end of SUPER GENERATION was going to go... and with good cause. Right after Nana had gone past she first asked all the boys to sing for her and then the girls.... and ooomg yappari, I am the only girl singing from my side of the arena... wtf? orz hazukashiiiii yoooo... Even Nana herself was obviously able to notice this weird phenomenon, close as she still was, and she joined in on the singing instead of letting me sing it through at the top of my lungs by myself. Thanks for saving me Nana, and gomenne I did my best. I hope I made you proud. (T^T) and god please don't let my voice be audible on the BD/DVD if this concert gets released...
23. Love Brick
I really enjoyed this song tonight so much~! I am going to miss Love Brick as the final encore song. It really fits the spot so well. Totally took me into rabu rabu land tonight. So nice. And by the end of this song I started excitingly anticipating whether my prediction of a second encore for the special 7th LIVE CIRCUS concert would come true....
Encore 2, mou ikkaaaai!
Hell yes~! The lights stayed off so obviously a 2nd encore was on the way. After keeping us calling for some time Nana shows up on stage and once again thanks us for calling her back. Since tonight is such a special night she tells us that she didn't want to go home either and has prepared a very special surprise for us! And just when my brain made the connection of how we had no Preserved Roses earlier tonight and how this surprise should be more "special" than what we got last night..... The sphere deco on stage opens and reveals... T.M. Revolution omfgbbq~!!
Hell yes~! The lights stayed off so obviously a 2nd encore was on the way. After keeping us calling for some time Nana shows up on stage and once again thanks us for calling her back. Since tonight is such a special night she tells us that she didn't want to go home either and has prepared a very special surprise for us! And just when my brain made the connection of how we had no Preserved Roses earlier tonight and how this surprise should be more "special" than what we got last night..... The sphere deco on stage opens and reveals... T.M. Revolution omfgbbq~!!
Preserved Roses
Holy shit Preserved Roses was at a whole new level today, it was soooo amazing! I don't know why, but till tonight every time I have seen Nana and T.M. Revolution perform this together there is always something a bit off (like the few failed eye contact attempts in FNS Uta Natsu Matsuri xD oops..)... but yeah, tonight there was none of that! It was perfect! It was full-power! It was everything this song could possibly be. Nana and T.M. Revolution were both on fire.. and so were we, the audience -jumping like crazy and waving our penlights like madmen. Man, such a great ending for such a great night!! So amazing that TMR actually came!
Bonus MC
TMR tells us he came straight here from Osaka where he had a concert just to perform for us tonight, woo~! Nana comments on how he is such a pro and he denies it ofc like a proper Japanese lol. TMR says how he was pretty nervous to come perform in front of all of these Nana fans and wondered what they'd think of this song his team came up with and if we would not be impressed. Then instantly Nana goes on to make this funny face when she was assuring TMR that there was no way her fans wouldn't welcome him and his song with love and open arms.
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Pff, TMR should have been wearing a Live Circus shirt! Hikasa did too! |
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Yaaaaay~~! |
TMR tells us he came straight here from Osaka where he had a concert just to perform for us tonight, woo~! Nana comments on how he is such a pro and he denies it ofc like a proper Japanese lol. TMR says how he was pretty nervous to come perform in front of all of these Nana fans and wondered what they'd think of this song his team came up with and if we would not be impressed. Then instantly Nana goes on to make this funny face when she was assuring TMR that there was no way her fans wouldn't welcome him and his song with love and open arms.
Then Nana says that speaking of TMR's team, since there will be a 2nd season of the Valvrave anime this coming fall they will do another collaboration song together (banzai banzai banzai) as the OP and this time in charge will be team Mizuki! Woop, really looking forward to it! TMR also talks about how surprising it has been that during the many interviews he has had with Nana, there's been so many questions about if they will get married loooool but that is not the case. Um come on guys, they just sang a song together.. xD
After a lot more cheering and whatnot, TMR leaves the stage and Nana does her rounds of waving and thanking everyone before leaving too. And thus, my LIVE CIRCUS journey has come to an end (well, if we don't count the LIVE CIRCUS 2013+ @ Taiwan live viewing that I will be going to) and it has been quite the roller coaster ride of emotions. And I have to say, this night was a good way to end it~
Next up will be my report on the 3rd day of Animelo Summer Live 2013 -Flag Nine-! Should not take so long, as it won't be this detailed... but bear with me in any case!
eh....but overall the girls' voices is it loud as usual?
ReplyDeleteanyway thanks for ur report ^^
The girls are always notably quieter than the boys, but you can still hear that there are many of them. I feel really confused as to what happened at the end of this concert, because during the girls only woo wo-oo power gate~ earlier it sounded the same as it usually does.. o_o
DeleteSorry for taking so long with it~ orz
ehhh?! x.x; so weird.....power gate ok...but for the encore side...hmm....x~x; i can only think they are someone girlfriend XD
Deleteits ok ^^ just take ur time XP
Yay!!! Arigatou!!! Its finally here!! Been waiting to read this!!
ReplyDeleteBig suprise!! No mawatte calll?!!! Think thats a first!!
Cant wait to hear linkage and dear dream as a live version!!! Must be totes AWESOME!!!
And the live circus special on tv is next week if im not mistaken?
Really sorry I took so long with this.. (T^T) thanks for bearing with me.
DeleteYeah! Very unusual that there was no mawatte call! Almost as unusual as a live without ETERNAL BLAZE. Though that does happens sometimes, but those concerts are like pretty much never included in BD/DVD. xD
Yeah, really awesome! Though with Dear Dream you can cheat a little and just watch it from either of the two Live Academy concerts already while you wait for this!
The first part of the Nana 2013 summer documentary thing is on tv this coming Saturday already. :)
Just saw the documentary!! Cried at the end when they showed ai no hoshi!! Probably the song ive been waiting to hear it live the most!! Such an emotional and beautiful song!!
DeleteI am so happy that they showed Ai no Hoshi! So touching, gets to me every time too. Can't wait for the second part of the documentary. :3
DeleteHmmm.....why dont i remember seeing it on live academy?! Either its because its been such a long time since ive seen it, or because live academy is paired up with live games. And on the red stage there is one thing that mostly occupies my mind - and thats Ryuutan dancing to Discotheque!! Its just so hilarious that i just cant forget it!!
ReplyDeleteAnd i thought so! Read it on nana-chan's blog td!
And no worries! Take ur time with the blog entries! We all still appreciate them anyway! Its the closest thing we can get to actually seeing the concert until the dvd is released! So thanks again!!
Thanks for another nice read. I also love Astrogation a lot. If Nana became one of her songs, it would be this one. It has so much spunk, liveliness and optimism. But i've noticed, no presentos?
DeleteYeah... no presents. :< I thought that only Live Grace would be like that due to the special atmosphere, but I guess she has stopped with them completely for now at least. It is a shame because at Ehime I could really have had a chance to catch something. Maybe the concerts were already so long with all the songs she wanted to include that there was no time for such extra things to be added. I don't know. Really a shame though.
Its probably an insurance thing. She could fall off the stage again, or that launcher thing has a malfunction and they asked her to stop it. Whatever the reason, it did go back such a long way, and it was always a sweet gesture of appreciation for the fans and a nice way to end a concert. :(
DeleteStill a bit weird, I feel that in that case it would have made more sense to stop it after Live Journey already after the falling from stage incident, but she was still doing it in Live Union. And I don't remember anything drastic happening during Live Union. Most of her "little accidents" happen during other parts of her concerts anyway... xD; Oh well.
DeleteNoooooo! So jealous ! Wish I could still go to Nana concerts on the weekend ! I now only have you're awesome reports, so please keep them coming ! >o<
ReplyDeleteHopefully you will eventually be able to go again! Or Nana will come to do something in the States~ In the meanwhile I will do my best to provide what I can. (>* ' - ' )b
DeleteShit, I have to buy this Blu Ray, even being so hard to import it all the way to brazil XD
ReplyDeleteHaha I know that feeling very well, Nana gives us no choice in these matters. XD the Blu Ray will be worth all the trouble!
DeleteSecond day aahhh. That went all too great. The excitement, atmosphere, tight oxygen level ... which I didnt expect to be honest. Knowing the most of playlist remains the same, it still plays out as a live on its own. And the second day was much more better since we both are better rested - well just a couple hours more to sleep w - this time I think I was better prepared thanks to you. Got more bottles armed.
ReplyDeleteLet this be a warning for every Nana fans who want to go to live. Having 5 bottles of 0.5 liter to ready for the whole night isnt a exaggeration. And I was pretty happy that Seibu dome is actually quite chilly because the sides are open.
Quite funny though during 'Get my drift?', when the song started you poked me saying Nana made a mistake. I was like ... ''girl, you got some amazing hearing sense ww'' Because I didnt notice any of it. The experience didnt stop there. I thought the live was over after Love Brick then RjOkami were like ''You better prepare your body because it's not over yet''... and the tune of Preserved Roses started. And yeah everything broke loose. i think we had an amazing time. Even the smelly trainride with otaku afterwards didnt bother us too much. Well neither on the first day.... though I was rambling a bit
Greetssuuuu ... Otsuuu again for reliving every of our moments <3
This was without a doubt one of the best times I have had in a Nana live, so thank you for being there and making it possible. <3 Same songs or not, much of the goodness of a concert depends on the experience.
DeleteI do enjoy being able to say these things to someone during a concert ww so much more boring and a bit of a let down when I notice or guess things and there is no one to share with and thus just have to keep it in.
The most beautiful moment ever, ne <3 with many more to come in different shapes and sizes and whatever else.. w