I know this is a summer song, but I've been really wanting to translate it as it is one of my top favorites from Nana ever so don't judge me for doing so in the middle of winter lol. Before I dive in though I'd like to mention that the title itself contains a made up word, 恋想 (=rensou), in it so there isn't really a "correct" translation for it and I went for what seemed to be close to the intended meaning. The two kanji there mean 恋 "love/yearning" and 想 "idea/thought". And then for the song itself - QC by Chinatsu as always!
作詞:ヨシダタクミ(phatmans after school)
作曲:ヨシダタクミ(phatmans after school)
編曲:藤間 仁(Elements Garden)
Japanese | English |
いつかあの日の思い出と同じように 君も消えていくから | Just like the memories of that day one day you too will disappear |
祭囃子が響く中 夏の終わる匂いがした 夕暮れ 君と待ち合わせた駅 改札口を過ぎれば 今日で君とはさよならなんだ 引き止める理由があったらいいのに | Within the resounding festival music I could smell the end of summer Dusk, at the station where we met up once you go through the ticket gates it'll be a goodbye with you today I wish I had a reason to hold you back |
うつむく僕を覗き込み おどけたように笑う君 最初で最後の二人だけの夜 いつもの裏道を抜けて 駆けてく君の背中見て 好きだなんて、僕は言えないでいた。 | You looked down at me, watching me with a playful smile For the first time and the last time, a night just for the two of us I watched your back as you raced down our usual shortcut I couldn't say something like I love you |
心にずっと空いた穴を埋めるように 夜空に繚乱の花火が キラリ キラリ 綺麗だねってそっと呟く君の手を 強く握りしめていた | As if to fill up the hole always gaping in my heart the night sky is alive with sparkling fireworks "It's beautiful" you whisper softly, while I was tightly gripping your hand |
はじめて出会った頃 誰よりも笑う君に見惚れて 優しい人だと思った 笑顔の裏では ひとりで涙を流している そんな君が誰より大切なのに 何もできないでいた | Back when we first met I was charmed by the you who smiled more than anyone thinking you were a kind person Behind your smile you were crying your tears alone That you was more precious to me than anyone yet there was nothing I could do |
さよならじゃ 形容できない いつまでも忘れないよ あの日見た花火のように 僕の中で今も咲き続けているんだ | Something like goodbye I could not put into words I will never forget Just like the fireworks we saw that day you continue to bloom within me even now |
心にずっと空いた穴を埋めるように 君の涙の欠片が ひらり ひらり 繋げなかった僕たちの未来はきっと 夏の幻だったから | As if to fill up the hole always gaping in my heart the fragments of your tears flickered Our future that didn't connect, was surely an illusion of summer |
夜空に満開の花火が上がるころ 君のいない世界で僕は泣いたよ いつか他の誰かと結ばれても 僕は思い出すのだろう とある夏の日の蜉蝣 夢を揺蕩う | The moment the fireworks bloomed at their fullest in the night sky I cried in a world without you Even when I marry someone else one day I will definitely remember the fleeting days of that summer I'll drift into the dream |
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