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Air 1 at Yamanashi, Shuppaaatsu~~! |
(For report on LIVE FLIGHT 2014 Air 14 at Kanagawa, go [here]!)
(For report on LIVE FLIGHT+ 2014 Air 15 at Singapore, go [here]!)
I decided to use the LIVE FLIGHT bus tour this time, and took the early morning bus with my friend to make it to queue for goods in good time. We got to FujiQ a bit after 8:30 am and already there were like 3000 people in line. Luckily though, the people working at FujiQ seemed to definitely know what they were doing and all the queuing only took us exactly 4 hours (was still too long in my friend's opinion though orz), which was definitely better than some of the queuing I've had to do *coughEhimecough* Sadly they had run out of the Nanette shirt in my size so I got the limited tee instead. Also on a side note, I am having a lot of trouble with NMLF... I keep misreading it. "orz And so do most of my friends... lol... it's a bit... distracting.
Dekimashita~~ \o/ |
Since we managed to finish with goods that early and the concert ticket provided free entrance to FujiQ, it was time to have some fun before the live! I met up with another foreign Nana fan, @KazeHydra, and even had time for a filling lunch, Evangelion: World and one ride before having to head to the venue! Evangelion: World was really fun, it provided me and my friend with a lot of opportunities to take goofy pictures and we even got to make Nerv ID cards for ourselves (posted a couple of pics of Evas on my [instagram]). The ride we decided to go for was Tondemina, it was so much fun~ But somehow sitting in it and getting spun around made me realize how tired I was (had gotten up at 5 am in the morning after all) and I felt really exhausted after for a while.
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Weeee~ |
On the way to the concert venue, I got stopped by two Japanese Nana fans. One of them had seen me at WINTER FESTA it seems and he was so happy that I was attending so many Nana things, so I told him I've been going to everything pretty much ever since LIVE JOURNEY. We continued the walk together and talked a bit more before eventually parting ways. I felt kinda embarrassed, haha. I really stand out too much. (^-^;)
Inside Fuji-Q Highland Conifer Forest
I was surprised to see that the venue was actually quite small, I had expected something a bit bigger at least. All the better though, will make the live all the more special. The stage looked really nice though, with two big propellers and two smaller ones on each side. Somehow it all felt so summery. Mine and my friends seats were right on the front row of a block so we had quite a good view of everything. The two Japanese who had spotted and stopped me before, walked past our seats and said hi and waved to us excitedly. In a way it does feel nice to be appreciated. Kore kara mo I will do my best to represent gaijins. :3 At one point Mishi-P walked by on the left side of the audience and that started up Akio -calls of course.
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Our seats \o/ |
The concert
In the opening video, we see a little Japanese girl stumble upon an angel Nana in a red dress lying in the grass by crystallized wings. A man comes to join the girl. The scene then suddenly changes to a pilot Nana in her airplane (similar to Porco Rosso's) and a couple of Cherry Boys pop up on her screen and beckon her to come so she flies to the concert venue all happily and smiling. The link between the beginning and this pilot scene is left shrouded in mystery... and then...
02. Preserved Roses
03. Stay Gold
04. Million Ways=One Destination
Cherry Boys Showcase (Cheribo Wings)
06. Fun Fun★People
07. ドラマティックラブ
08. 笑顔の行方
09. GAMBAらなくちゃね
10. 空時計
11. FATE
Team Yoda Showcase (New Generation)
13. Still in the groove
14. 理想論
15. アンティークナハトムジーク
Pilot Nana Time Warps -short movie
16. 革命デュアリズム
17. アパッショナート
18. New Sensation
19. Rock you baby!
21. ミラクル☆フライト
22. 時空サファイア
23. セツナキャパシティー
A very nice and fun set list tonight. Made me happy. Now onward to the detailed account! Some MCs might be misplaced again due to my memory failing, but at least most of the content should be here. :3
Outfit #1 - Pilot
Goggles on her head and wearing nice white pilot jacket and white fluffy skirt/dress. Also, I like to spot Disney references in Nana's concert outfits since there have been many in recent years... but fir LIVE FLIGHT it was hard... but just as a joke, if there was any it would be this and it'd be a very distant and beautified tribute to [Orville] from The Rescuers. xD
VIRGIN CODE provided a really strong start to the live, and hearing the intro melody somehow got me over-the-top excited and I started bouncing and saying to my friend "It's Nana! Nana appeared!!" (I've gone to concerts alone too much perhaps, so I have a need to state the obvious xD) haha. Nana starts at the top platform on the stage and makes her way down the stairs to the actual stage during the song. I think the pilot outfit goes really well with VIRGIN CODE, especially the way Nana was twirling and swaying around that made the skirt flow around so magically.
02. Preserved Roses
VIRGIN CODE got instantly followed by Preserved Roses, which kinda surprised me. I wasn't completely expecting this song to appear in LIVE FLIGHT since it was so in spotlight for LIVE CIRCUS, but I am glad it did stay on the set list since singing together with Nana is so much fun. It totally worked to pump us up even more I think. Also, I want to say I am really impressed as to how everyone respects Nana's lines and shuts their mouths during them. The change from everyone shouting out TMR's lines to it being completely quiet during Nana's is incredible.
VIRGIN CODE got instantly followed by Preserved Roses, which kinda surprised me. I wasn't completely expecting this song to appear in LIVE FLIGHT since it was so in spotlight for LIVE CIRCUS, but I am glad it did stay on the set list since singing together with Nana is so much fun. It totally worked to pump us up even more I think. Also, I want to say I am really impressed as to how everyone respects Nana's lines and shuts their mouths during them. The change from everyone shouting out TMR's lines to it being completely quiet during Nana's is incredible.
03. Stay Gold
It took my brain so long to register what song this was, since I definitely did not see it coming. Hisashiburiii Stay Gold~ Brings back good memories from LIVE CASTLE for me. I feel like this song was here to give us a bit of a rest after the energetic start. It will probably rotate with some other songs throughout the tour, I am looking forward to which songs they will be~
Konnichiwa! Nana asks if we are okay even though it is hot and tells us how it was also really hot the the day before yesterday when they were rehearsing, but that it gets surprisingly chilly at night and we should watch out so we don't catch a cold. She asks who came to FujiQ already yesterday and who came early today, and who is at FujiQ for the first time. She tells us she was here 12 years ago herself for the photo shoot of a Prits album (in case you're not familiar with [Prits], it was a girl group formed by her and a few other seiyuu who all voiced characters in Sister Princess). Nana continues on to mention how she can see Mt. Fuji from the stage. She says she gets power from both the mountain and our smiles which she can see very well in the daylight. Then...
Outfit #1 - Revamped
Same as before, without pilot jacket.
04. Million Ways=One Destination
Nana..... how can you bust out such a depressing song after the atsui start and happy MC?? I was totally not ready for it. Don't do this to me... my poor heart.. orz Though, it was really nice to hear Nana sing this song, it sounded so pretty and touching and that made my heart clench all the more. I was really looking forward to hearing Nana sing "destinationnnnnn" live, but the serious face of being absorbed in the song that she pulled right then completely shattered my heart. (T^T) How do I go oooonnn after this...
Nana..... how can you bust out such a depressing song after the atsui start and happy MC?? I was totally not ready for it. Don't do this to me... my poor heart.. orz Though, it was really nice to hear Nana sing this song, it sounded so pretty and touching and that made my heart clench all the more. I was really looking forward to hearing Nana sing "destinationnnnnn" live, but the serious face of being absorbed in the song that she pulled right then completely shattered my heart. (T^T) How do I go oooonnn after this...
Holy crap, ETERNAL BLAZE already?? I do have to say that it was probably the most effective picker-upper song after the heavy atmosphere of Million Ways=One Destination, but at the same time it felt like a bit of a shame to have it come when it was still so light outside and the penlights couldn't really be seen at all. orz Well, regardless of the magical pool of orange illumination being invisible, it still didn't stop this song being as high tension as usual and I enjoyed it to the fullest.
Holy crap, ETERNAL BLAZE already?? I do have to say that it was probably the most effective picker-upper song after the heavy atmosphere of Million Ways=One Destination, but at the same time it felt like a bit of a shame to have it come when it was still so light outside and the penlights couldn't really be seen at all. orz Well, regardless of the magical pool of orange illumination being invisible, it still didn't stop this song being as high tension as usual and I enjoyed it to the fullest.
Cherry Boys Showcase (Cheribo Wings)
HOLY SHIT, The Cherry Boys are Thunderbirds!! I can't believe it. xDD Man, they make really creepy puppets just like the actual show and the movie is made really well to match the look and feel of Thunderbirds. In case you aren't familiar with the show, it's [this]. Ryutan goes around as usual and asks everyone what they think of when they think of this prefecture. Kado-D starts off by saying the obvious, which is of course Mt. Fuji and Tom-kun answers Fuji Five Lakes. For others my memory is a bit hazy... except that Martin didn't even speak into the microphone so no idea what he said, apart from "that's right" into the mic when he finally turned his head to it.. and Kenny somehow still twisted his answer into Kenny number 1, no surprise there lol. Then it was time for Nana to come back~
HOLY SHIT, The Cherry Boys are Thunderbirds!! I can't believe it. xDD Man, they make really creepy puppets just like the actual show and the movie is made really well to match the look and feel of Thunderbirds. In case you aren't familiar with the show, it's [this]. Ryutan goes around as usual and asks everyone what they think of when they think of this prefecture. Kado-D starts off by saying the obvious, which is of course Mt. Fuji and Tom-kun answers Fuji Five Lakes. For others my memory is a bit hazy... except that Martin didn't even speak into the microphone so no idea what he said, apart from "that's right" into the mic when he finally turned his head to it.. and Kenny somehow still twisted his answer into Kenny number 1, no surprise there lol. Then it was time for Nana to come back~
Outfit #2 - Flower Dress
A pretty flower dress with some Japanese influence.
06. Fun Fun★People
Yesssssss!! I really wanted to hear this today!! We collectively decided to sing the echoes of "oh yeah" and "oh no" for Nana like the backing vocals do in the album. She managed to sing the first "oh yeah" according to the song, but then after that, when she realized what we were doing, she got a bit too excited and sang "oh no" in a..well, in an excited, high-pitched and kinda rushed way, as if shouting it to us instead of like how it is in the song. xD This continued for the choruses to come, it really was adorable. She tried to sing it how it's supposed to go in the last chorus again, but after the first "oh yeah" the excitement got the better of her and it was back to rushing it again. I really love this woman and how something this simple can excite her so much and make her so happy.
07. ドラマティックラブ
Oooh, yay! I was really hoping to have Dramatic Love pop up again now that I was reminded of how cute the dance is thanks to the release of WINTER FESTA. xD I really really love the part where she moves to one side and then the other with small steps holding the same pose with Team Yoda surrounding her. Ahhh, Fun Fun★People followed by this made me really happy and bubbly.
08. 笑顔の行方
Omoiiiikiriii~! I was kinda hoping something similar for this as with Fun Fun★People, considering there are all those echoes of "yukue wa" and "nobashite" and so on... but nope, didn't happen. orz Oh well, I still had a lot of fun listening to this song live. I really like it! Especially accompanied by Nana's happy face.
Nana asks if we are still doing okay regardless of the hot weather and of course we are. She asks if any of us knew what the Cheribo Wings was about and I shout a big yes. Haha my childhood trauma. xD She said they had been worried about there perhaps being too much of a generation gap between them and us. She continues by asking what we thought of the doll-like Cherry Boys in the video and we tell her they were great and she comments they looked kinda like nendoroids thanks to their big heads. Nana says Kenny is most familiar with the subject and takes the mic to Kenny, and he tells us something about him and Thunderbirds but I didn't quite catch it. orz Apparently the Cheribo video was one of the first things to be decided for LIVE FLIGHT. xD She next goes to harass Itaruvich because he posted some pictures she was jealous of, since he and some of the other Cherry Boys stayed in the vicinity for the day before. He said he and a couple of others "climbed" Mt. Fuji..... as high as you could go with a car. xD Nana tells us she went back to Tokyo for yesterday and saw the air force flight show thingy and she had been like "it's Cheribo Wings, Live Flight!!" She also tells us how she likes the rainbow at FujiQ with Mt. Fuji in the background (We saw this after the concert when heading for the bus, the roller coaster at entrance 1 had rainbow-colored lights on it).
Nana then tells us that to add a summery touch to today's concert... she will throw a huge die to determine a song to sing next... Akai Sweet Pea, Mugon Iroppoi, 1986-Nen no Marilyn, Desire -Jounetsu-, GAMBAranakucha ne, or then a star in which case one of the Cherry Boys can pick their favorite (from these songs or in general? Not specified). xD She rolls the die and it is very close to ending up on the star but rolls over to GAMBAranakucha ne instead. Nana doesn't look very pleased haha. So it begins..
09. GAMBAらなくちゃね
So Prits pop up again today for the second time! In case you have never heard this song before and have a nico nico account, you can listen to the Prits version [here]. I can definitely tell you that Nana singing it now definitely didn't sound anything like it at all, it was almost like it was a completely different song. xD I greatly enjoyed it, though I did kinda wish for a chance to get to hear Desire -jounetsu- or Mugon Iroppoi. I guess this song choice was good though as encouragement to write my thesis considering the title being about needing to try your best. Haiiiii, I shall do exactly that Nana-san.. (T^T)
Nana says she was pretty much shitting her pants about singing this song now... it was the only one she hadn't practiced for today. xD She does a playful reference to Egao no Yukue by asking "ano goro no watashi onaji?" (="Am I still the same as back then?") and we shout yeah and she says we are too kind. She tells us that next it's time for a summery song..
10. 空時計
I was really overjoyed to get a chance to hear this song, since I think it is a really beautiful and tranquil song. It was of course even much better hearing it live. During the song Nana walks up to the top of the stairs on the stage, singing the rest of the song up there. As usual during a Nana concert, I started thinking about things and life again at this point, about how nice and easy it would be to just enjoy life like this, to just be selfish and think about myself...
11. FATE
... Then Nana slaps me in the face with FATE and I feel so horrible for having any of those thoughts. I nearly burst into tears but managed to hold it in, since I had company this time haha. orz I don't know how Nana always knows what I need to bring me back to my senses or to cheer me up, but somehow she knows... For this song, she walked halfway down the stairs and sat there. Hearing FATE again today totally grabbed my heart in a very powerful way. It truly is such a beautiful song.
Team Yoda -showcase (New Generation)
Team Yoda as cabin crew! Doing lots of cabin crew'ish things on a plane, like handing out NMFL pamphlets and drinks and whatnot. The song is very similar in style to GUILTY so I was really sure GUILTY would come next and I kept bouncing and telling my friend that and then....
Outfit #3 - "Erokakkoii" Attendant
Pink miniskirt and short blazer like short shirt that showed her stomach, also with short sleeves and a black part sewed on the inside in a shape resembling... a bra, visible from the blazer opening. xD (I drew a horrible loldoodle of this for my friend, he loved it a lot so if you want to see it as well [here it is])
.... Yesssssssssss!! I knew it, I knew it!! I started bouncing like crazy again and kept declaring to my friend "It is GUILTY, it is!!" .. yep stating the obvious again. Team Yoda had made their way to the middle stage during their showcase and that's where Nana appeared too, sprung up from a hole on the stage. Ohhhh my god this dance, my eyes kept darting from Nana to the big screen the whole time since I couldn't decide which would give me a better in detail view of what was happening so I feel I missed a lot of things I didn't want to miss while switching between them. I think Nana must have been nervous about singing out her sexual frustrations in front of everyone, because she made a little mistake during the first chorus and instead of singing "dakara imasugu touch me" she began singing the first line of the second chorus instead but fixed it by the end of the line, resulting in "sou yo itsudemo touch me." I have to say that even though GUILTY was the song I was looking forward to the most, I don't think I was mentally prepared for it after all. Haha and ooh boooyy, we got to sing the "give me more" parts for Nana, which kinda seemed wrong to me on so many levels. xD It was total K.O. for me during the last chorus when she suddenly busted out this eroppoi hip movement.... twice. Whaaaaaat, where did that come from??! xD Warn me first Nana, don't just randomly do these things! Think of my well-being haha.
13. Still in the groove
After that, Nana and Team Yoda make their way back to the main stage and Still in the groove starts playing. I think I haven't seen this live yet, so I was eager to get to finally witness this dance routine in the flesh, especially since I really like it. :3
After that, Nana and Team Yoda make their way back to the main stage and Still in the groove starts playing. I think I haven't seen this live yet, so I was eager to get to finally witness this dance routine in the flesh, especially since I really like it. :3
Nana starts by mumbling how Team Mizuki is full of eroi people.... because they made this outfit for her. She told us that when she was wearing the skirt in the fitting they kept saying it can still be shortened.... until it ended up being as short as humanely possible. She says she is like "erokakkoii" and that of course started up some "ero-shishou" shouts. xD I love that word "erokakkoii" btw, I am so gonna start using it in daily conversation now haha. Mawatte-calls also happened of course and Nana gave into them pretty easily. Though, for the mou ikkai -call she wanted us to call her name like we had called Akio before the live began, so we do and she turns around for us once again. Then Nana tells us how her outfit has English words printed on it and asks if we can see.... and the camera for the big screens zooms in on her skirt *coughcrotchcough* and Nana's like wait what are you showing... and the camera zooms out before she can move to confirm from the screen. xD She keeps talking about it and the camera zooms in a couple of more times.... until finally she gets all flustered about it saying how she wants us to see but doesn't at the same time. She then declares the next song will be an otonappoi song! Which is...
14. 理想論
HOLY SHIT, RISOURON??!?! Completely unexpected. Like seriously. My heart can't handle surprises like this. Oh my god. I love love love Risouron so much. (>_<) And even though nothing can of course compare to its orchestral version, it still was very epic today too, wahh, goosebumps. I still can't believe it, erokakkoii Nana singing Risouron! This and GUILTY happening tonight has totally skyrocketed LIVE FLIGHT to be one of my top favorite lives ever.
15. アンティークナハトムジーク
Oooh, Antique Nachtmusik was definitely a good follow up to Risouron. I hope that was the whole point and that Risouron will stay on the set list for the whole tour lol. A few Team Yoda members appeared on stage wearing cloaks, and whenever Nana was close to one of them they would twirl around her and be like they were trying to catch her. And holy poop, the way Nana walked across the stage during this song - so so dramatic. I love it. Closer to the end of the song Nana falls to her knee, so very dramatic. After the song Nana disappears and...
Pilot Nana Time Warps -short movie
The movie starts with pilot Nana flying through the skies again. And suddenly [Yuuki Aoi] pops on screen this time, causing a lot of merriment in the audience. She makes fun of Nana and tries to warn her of something but Nana doesn't really catch what she is saying and goes crazy while flying into some weird vortex thing and the connection to Aoi-san cuts off. She ends up time warping and the scene switches to a forest where she has crash landed. Cue in very Final Fantasy -like music. Come to think of it, even the forest looks a bit like Macalania Forest from FFX. xD A dirty pilot Nana gets up and walks off.... finding the crystallized wings, which causes us to see flashbacks of angel Nana and the little girl... wait.. pilot Nana was the little girl?? This is starting to remind me a lot of Buddy Complex, what's going on?? haha I swear, this video is totally hinting that we'll get an angel Nana flying through the air... probably not tonight, but perhaps at the final concert in Yokohama. :3 Then the video ends and...
Outfit #4 - Flamenco
A red dress, a bit similar in style to the red dress she wore in LIVE DIAMOND / WINTER FESTA 2nd Night with a long hem attached to her wrist Flamenco style. Very similar, if not the same, to the red dress of Angel Nana in the video.
16. 革命デュアリズム
Nana appears from behind the left side of the stage (looking from audience) on a little Nanette-looking plane thingy. Kakumei Dualism starts up and everyone goes wild. Nana passes by pretty close to me first on the left side, and also when she had turned and starts going through the arena. I feel like she caught a glimpse of me then, which brought renewed pangs of embarrassment of the handshake through me, haha. orz After Nana had moved onto towards the right corner of the arena, I couldn't even see her anymore even though she was on that Nanette-plane. Nana why you so tiny. By the end of the song she had made it back to the stage. I feel the atmosphere was even more atsui than it had been for Preserved Roses earlier tonight and it really pumped me up once more.
17. アパッショナート
A mic stand is brought on stage for Nana and cue in Appassionato! Nana singing those first lines sent shivers down my spine. Hearing this song live really was intense, I could see Yutapon going crazy on his drums. xD And Nana worked that microphone stand like she does in the PV too. And talking of the PV, there were these amazing spark effects behind the stage during the last chorus, just like in the PV too. Looked so damn cool, gave me even more goosebumps.
Nana tells us how Aoi-san had been so overly excited to do something for her senpai. We manage to plead Nana to say some more stuff in her funny going crazy voice from the video, and it really is very funny. xD She then tells us how the flamenco style dress was for Appassionatoooo of course. She talks about the metal feel in Appassionato (ha, I was right lol) and how she needs to keep trying new things. Nana then thanks us for supporting SUPERNAL LIBERTY, banzai banzai banzai! She then mentions the Joysound karaoke competition and that she heard the winner sing and asks the winner to raise their hand and she thanks them. She also tells us how she saw an incredible Vitalization cosplay too (I saw it right before entering venue too. I think Nana said that the hem of the outfit was made out of clear files xD) worn by one of the contestants and asks if that person is around too.. but nope.. somebody shouts that she went home.. and she is all like "kaeta? ... Vitalization-san?" and says that she hopes they'll meet again somewhere some day. D'aww Nana. She then changes the topic and says the photos for Dream Skipper were taken around Mt. Fuji so the next song will be from that album..
Outfit #4 - Revamped
Okay lolwut. xD The Flamenco dress stripped down to a polka dot top and shorts.... with a skirt part attached on the sides, going up to her stomach and covering her stomach with some black lacy bit. I didn't like this outfit so much, it was a bit funny.
18. New Sensation
Oooh, yay! I have wanted to hear New Sensation live.... wait, what am I talking about? I heard it in my first Nana live ever already. Oops. *slaps her own face* Anyway, in that case... it was nice to hear it again! Hisashiburi! I really love the energy in this song, though I have to say I was kinda distracted by Nana's weird outfit.. it was... bothering me a little bit. xD I would start getting absorbed into the fun dance and then be like "what are you wearing Nanaaaaa" lol.
19. Rock you baby!
I have to say that Rock you baby! is infinitely better live than on the album. Maybe because we sang the intro parts for Nana so I couldn't really hear that weird baby voice she used for it. I saw Team Yoda with their towels so I quickly grabbed mine too. While Nana hasn't had a towel herself in recent lives, tonight she did and was doing the choreograph with us. It was all very fun and I ended up enjoying Rock you baby! more than I thought I ever would.
Yesssss! I was really looking forward to POWER GATE today, though I don't really know why considering how often I have already heard it. I guess it was just nice to have an orange penlight song happening when it was darker too. By now my friend had already gotten completely absorbed into doing the penlight choreographs too, which made me quite happy. It was fun to have someone to share it with. :3 Definitely again many more guys than girls here as usual as could easily be seen during the "woo-o-o power gate"s.
The time for this has come too soon once again and Nana wants to "ehhh" with us too - it's not even properly dark out yet! The last song was the first song decided for LIVE FLIGHT and I start bouncing again and tell my friend it has to be Miracle☆Flight then Nana says it is Mirakuru Furaito and my friend is like "hey you were right" xD So then...
21. ミラクル☆フライト
In a way it was weird to hear this again so soon since Nana sang it in LIVE CIRCUS at Seibu Dome as well, but I guess they hadn't decided on the next live theme then yet. It was also interesting having such an energetic and upbeat song as the last song of the live, considering that usually we'd get a touching and beautiful song at this point which would usually make Nana tear up. At the end of the song, red strips with Nana's message are shot from the stage and holy shit, there were so many of them this time and they actually flew pretty far too. Usually, I've been lucky to catch even one of them but tonight I was basically showered with them haha.
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Yay \o/ the strips were really long this time, haha. |
Encore call!
Naa-na, Naa-na! She definitely keeps us waiting for quite a bit again, but finally the Cherry Boys are back on stage and it is time for business...
Naa-na, Naa-na! She definitely keeps us waiting for quite a bit again, but finally the Cherry Boys are back on stage and it is time for business...
Outfit #5 - Encore
White LIVE FLIGHT logo tee, red long boots we've seen in her lives before and a skirt, don't remember the color now somehow. xD
22. 時空サファイア
Definitely didn't see this one coming either! Hadn't even really considered I'd be hearing it live again. Wahh, I do love this song though. I think I spent most of this song in awe that she was singing it today and didn't really get to enjoy listening to it properly. Fail. orz
23. セツナキャパシティー
Ahha~! One more treat from SUPERNAL LIBERTY! She sang quite many new songs from there today, I'm impressed. I would have liked to hear Ladyspiker again, but considering everything I got today, I won't complain! Nana was really getting into the song and then...... everybody missed a jump cue that she gave us very enthusiastically. Oh. My. God. I felt my heart torn out of my chest. I am really really so sorry Nana. I hope we didn't make you sad. Please give us a new chance next time and don't be disheartened by what happened now. orz
Nana thanks us for calling her back and then it is time for some announcements! Nana is happy to tell us that For LIVE FLIGHT+ she will be going to Taiwan again, this time for two lives, and also.... Singapore! BANZAI, BANZAI, BANZAI!! I am so happy for you Nana, keep conquering the world!! She mumbles what will she do about English since she doesn't have many months to go before Singapore. D'aww poor Nana, I can imagine that'd be something that will definitely be stressing her out... I'm sure she feels she needs to make an effort like she did with Chinese for Taiwan. Ganbatte Nana-san!! Zettai umaku iku yooo! :3
Woooooo! What a fun song to finish on. I did always enjoy watching LIVE DIAMOND with DISCOTHEQUE as its encore and I am glad to get to experience the same today. At the end of the song fireworks are shot up from the right side, makes me think that they were positioned this way because Nana was so sad about not seeing them in LIVE UNION when they happened behind the stage. Really pretty~
That's all for now then folks, time for me to go back to my thesis. Going for LIVE FLIGHT in Fukuoka next in a few weeks to celebrate handing in my thesis the day before! lol See yooouuu then!
www english www
ReplyDeletetanoshimi dana!!!
ww her "Shiii youuuu in Shingapoooor!" is already too much for my poor heart. xD
DeleteI am very tempted to come to the Singapore live just to hear more of it, but I have a sinking feeling my graduation will probably be like right on that day lol
yea thanks for the report (now i have too much image about this ^^;)
ReplyDelete~~~~looking forward too >.<~~~~.........
and Nana-san Ganbatte! (for your english XP)
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