Saturday 3 August 2019


Feels kinda weird bouncing back to the start of the year after dishing out one report of LIVE EXPRESS already, but at the same time it kind of refreshed me! Hopefully in the first time in a few years I might be able to clear my backlog....? The suspense!

(For report on LIVE GRACE -OPUS III- Day 2, go [here]!)

I've gotten old after nearly a decade of concert going so..... somehow just didn't feel up for queuing this time. We did go check it out and while we were attempting (and failing miserably I suppose lol) to take a selfie with the LIVE GRACE -OPUS III- cardboard stand thingy, a fellow foreign fan offered to take the pic for us. It was pretty amusing that we are all from various parts of the world (Finland, Netherlands and Mexico), but spoke to each other in Japanese. xD

Inside Saitama Super Arena
Our seats this time were at the very very edge on the right side of the stage. I was a bit worried about the acoustics, as at least when I had a similar seat in Budoukan for LIVE GATE I could only really hear the music from one ear and it didn't feel so good... but I am happy to report that here we did not have that problem!

Start movie time! Nana walks down a hall with ballerinas. Some queen gives her a crown... and she becomes the queen?? She becomes a portrait painting.

01.Glorious Break
03.Love Trippin’
04.Nocturne -revision-
05.Antique nachtmusik
07.Nageki no Hana
08.Never Let Go
11.Last Scene
12.Dancing in the velvet moon
17.Ai no Hoshi
Encore II:
20.Suiren (with Musshu)

Fujino-san makes his entrance to the stage and trips causing all of us to gasp in alarm. Luckily, he seems to be alright.

Outfit #1 - Crown and Cape

01.Glorious Break
Nana flies out from the portrait frame high up at the back of the stage! Man, this song works as such a great opener.

The opener is followed by another most suitable song! Didn't think we'd be hearing this one in orchestral form but here we are and I am satisfied.

Welcome! It's been 6 years since the last LIVE GRACE!  Nana talks a bit with Fujino-san, starting with his tripping. Then the talk moves onward to the Fan Club, since he's in the FC as well. He mentions that there was this guy at rehearsals who's been in the FC since he was in high school and how he was inspired to work hard by being a Nana fan and now he is here today as part of the orchestra on the contrabasso! They show him on the big screens and he is very taken aback and embarrassed. Nana also doesn't quite know how to react. xD Then she jokes that for the past 6 years she's been begging Fujino-san for another GRACE through the FC bday CDs. Fujino-san says it's very hard doing this for Nana because her songs are insane, like she has 165 bpm and even 205 bpm songs.

Outfit #1 Revamped - Pink Princess

03.Love Trippin’
Holyyyy sheeeeeet!! I haven't heard this since my first Nana concert ever, so it maybe excited me more than it should have. :3 (little did I know that LIVE EXPRESS was gonna continue with this trend in the summer xD yay)

04.Nocturne -revision-
I really love how in these orchestral lives Nana busts out more older songs than usual, since honestly, with the orchestral arrangement they really sound soooo different and it makes me love these songs more than I normally would.

05.Antique nachtmusik
Ooooh, this was really nice in orchestral form with even a nice hooded dance included. This just went so well together with the stage setup and the orchestra that I wish I could hear it again right away...

Nana mentions how she hasn't sang Love Trippin and Nocturne -revision- for a loooong time. They were released like 16 years ago?? She talks about Memories of 2nd a bit, leading that into mentioning her princessy pink dress and manages to milk a mawatte-call from us with that. Fujino-san joins her for mou ikkai of course. Nana offers him her hand like she was the gentleman out of the two and they march towards the front of the stage. xD Nana then talks about her age and how she is 3*coughcough* years and laments how she can't use this tactic anymore starting next year and maybe it needs to be *coughcough*9 years from now on. Then we get a happy birthday surprise by the orchestra and a cake appears! Staff has played it safe and put 7 candles on it. I have to say I am a bit surprised we got this today, since I wasn't really expecting it till tomorrow!

Next song is also one that she hasn't sang for a long long time at her lives.

Wow, it really has been a long time since this popped up!! Oh man. It feels so special to get to hear this live after so many years of Nana not singing it.

07.Nageki no Hana
Holy shit yesssss! This is maybe my favorite from the NEVER SURRENDER single thanks to the more oriental vibes, which also made it super interesting to listen to in orchestral form. Makes me hope for an orchestral interpretation of Hatsu Koi as well....

Insert Movie
This was Swan Lake inspired. First there is a bit of a party going on, then everyone disappears and the atmosphere turns creepy. Only a White and a Black Nana remain and they battle it out via proxy of their ballerina minions. After White Nana prevails the party people get brought back.

Outfit #2 - Blue

08.Never Let Go
For this some stairs props and canvas projection appeared on the stage. While I really enjoyed the orchestral rendition for this song, it felt like it was lacking a bit of impact this way (I remember it leaving a really strong impression back in LIVE GALAXY), though I am wondering if it is because of my seat being on the side so close to the stage that perhaps that interfered with me getting the intended aural experience.

Nana asks if we understood any of the stuff that happens in the insert movie. She explains the Swan Lake inspiration and how it came from her having done ballet, like she already mentioned during LIVE GATE. It was an internal battle, visualized by white and black swan Nanas. Then she intros the CheriBos one by one. Kenny. Shuchan (has stopped drinking as of this year and has lost a lot of weight since last GRACE). Yutapon. Obacchi. Kado-D. Ryutan. Tom-kun. Kado quartet! And with this, it's time for the acoustic corner for which the arrangements were done by Kado-D!!

Oh.... wow! Never thought STAND would one day make me feel this way. I admit that I do not tend to focus on the lyrics on songs that serve as kind of a calm between the epic action that much like this  one too much, but hearing it like this definitely made me pay attention.

Yeeeeeessss, this song is so good live! Can't believe we got an acoustic version of this one, I am so happy. (T^T) I dunno why but getting cool versions of usually upbeat and dancey songs is really, really nice. I guess because it really brings a new flavor to these songs.

Nana bothers some of the CheriBo members some more. She asks them about their goals for this year. Kado-D wants to get in shape. Kenny wants to climb Mount Everest.... Oookay. xD Nana wants to do something this year that she hasn't done before. She makes a Precure impression and then it's time for one more song in this corner.

11.Last Scene
The oldies continue!! Even Last Scene gets new life breathed into it through this acoustic version.

Nana then thanks everyone for the acoustic corner and welcomes back the orchestra.

12.Dancing in the velvet moon
Nana appears on a cart to sing.... Dancing in the velvet moon!! Daamn, I wasn't expecting this one at all. In fact, I somehow had been feeling that she already sang this in a GRACE before, which is isn't true though. xD

There was a brief interlude after this, but can't remember what the orchestra was playing... orz

Outfit 3 - Lacey things

Oh wow, orchestral WHAT YOU WANT.... is exactly what I want. I was only really expecting the new songs we hadn't heard live yet to pop up tonight, but this is definitely very very welcome!! I always love hearing songs like this that you can't really imagine orchestral (or acoustic) until you hear them and Nana just makes it work beautifully.

Nana asks us if we are still okay to keep going, because it is going to get more intense now. Now with the CheriBo back in business on stage again too, there are 145 people on stage she muses.

Oooh yeah, it's time to start the very atsui corner and what song would be more suitable for that than Apassionato!

Ooh, more new stuff! I keep forgetting about this one, since it kinda gets overpowered with NEVER SURRENDER and Nageki no Hana for me. Still the full power of 145 people made this sound just at home in this powerful corner.

Ohoho, even UNLIMITED BEAT! This was already super intense in LIVE ZIPANGU so it was crazy getting it now amped up even more. :3

Once again, it is time for the words she doesn't wanna say. Yep, the last song. It's a song from the past 6 years that best conveys the love she feels for everyone.

17.Ai no Hoshi
YES! I was hoping it would be this one. Too pretty. (T^T) It's been too long since it moved me to heavens and back in LIVE CIRCUS. Tonight's version was definitely at a similar level of amazing and made me feel a lot of feelings...


Outfit #4 - Encore

Once again, Nana does her magic and makes me more convinced about a song after I hear it live and honestly, NEVER SURRENDER felt like it was meant for this kind of live.

Shassu! Us! CheriBo! Orchestra! Nana goes on to some batsu talk as she has done like every live for quite some time now lol. Then Nana tells us she has an announcement to make..... there will be Zachou Kouen in May! Banzai! Also, live viewing for the Music Laboratory concert in Ehime! Banzai!

I feel like STORIES has popped up a lot in recent years, I wonder if there is any particular meaning behind that. :3 Still, never hurts to hear it again.

Then Nana thanks everyone. First the CheriBo. Then the choir. Then orchestra. Musshu. Fujino-san.

Encore II
Nana comes back! She had been thinking what to sing if she gets called back again and she came up with this - a duet with Musshu. Musshu thought she was crazy when she first suggested this and she says that so were the CheriBo when she suggested it for ZIPANGU.

20.Suiren (with Musshu)
Holy shit, this hit right in the feels! (T^T) Suiren with just the violin was way too magical, to the point that I am still getting shivers thinking about it later. Nothing gets me as hard as combining one of my favorite songs with my favorite instrument, ahhh!

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