I have yet to shake away my bad habit of being very late with my reports, but at least finally LIVE GALAXY -Frontier- is here! ... a few days before BD/DVD release. Oops.... *feels miserable* orz
Didn't go for goods today, but still had to head to Tokyo Dome in the morning to sort out Super☆Blossom. If you're interested about how that went, you can find out [here]. Once again, a big thanks for everyone who took part!
Inside Tokyo Dome
Tonight our seats were on the other side of the stand, so right (looking from the back of the arena) of the main stage. The first thing I noticed that the weird looking space capsule from the previous night was not there anymore - in fact there wasn't even anything in its place. Odd, I thought, what would happen tonight?
Today the opening movie began the same way as for -Genesis-, but instead of going through gate 9 and crashing down, we went through gate 7 and landed more elegantly into the futuristic city.
01. Kindan no Resistance
02. Synchrogazer
03. Bright Stream
04. Never Let Go
05. Trickster
06. Exterminate
Cherry Boys Showcase
08. Ego Ideal
09. Mr. Bunny!
10. Shounen
11. Ambivalence
Team Yo-Da Showcase
14. Koi No Yokushiryoku -TYPE EXCITER -
Future's next -movie
16. Glorious Break
18. Love Brick
19. Clutch!!
21. Astrogation
22. Rock you Baby
23. Tenkuu no Canaria
24. Ai no Hoshi
Encore II:
A total of 43 different songs in LIVE GALAXY! For LIVE CASTLE it was a little bit less, at a total of 39 different songs. It actually felt to me that there was less variety than that in LIVE CASTLE, but I think I just felt there was more in LIVE GALAXY because of the very clear cut distinction between what to expect from her releases on each day.
A total of 43 different songs in LIVE GALAXY! For LIVE CASTLE it was a little bit less, at a total of 39 different songs. It actually felt to me that there was less variety than that in LIVE CASTLE, but I think I just felt there was more in LIVE GALAXY because of the very clear cut distinction between what to expect from her releases on each day.
Outfit #1 - Dark Knight
01. Kindan no Resistance
I had wondered how they would rival yesterday's grand opening song, but Kindan no Resistance was actually a really good choice for it! Getting to do the high! high! and down! down!s for her really fired everyone up. Especially after the amazing fiery trick that was done in the beginning. At first, you saw something light up where that weird capsule had been last night, and you kinda thought Nana was there... when all of a sudden a trail of flame led up to the main stage to find Nana standing there holding whatever it was in her hand where the trail ended. Whoa!
02. Synchrogazer
... And then we get Synchrogazer!! The energy levels for tonight already feel like they far surpassed last night and I think that is again a good indication of how far she's come over the years. The only thing that kinda brought down the mood was guy in charge of the big screens not doing his job properly, and thus we were treated to a brief glimpse of SMPTE color bars on the big screen instead of Nana, until they eventually corrected their feed. I was so relieved that at this point, Nana was in the mid stage with her back to the screens and hopefully didn't see what had happened.
03. Bright Stream
Plot twist! I really like Bright Stream as a song, but I feel like it has kinda fallen into some crack in my mind and so I slowly forget about it. I am really happy when I hear it though. \o/
Nana bids us welcome! The rest of the MC ended up being pretty much the same stuff as in -Genesis-, with the addition of Nana telling us that she also prepared for tonight by... wearing star pjs (and shirt!)!
04. Never Let Go
So happy to see this again because it's the most epic thing ever!! I really can't get enough of it. This just really makes me tremble all the way to my core. I was thinking that this kind of sensation and experience is exactly why going to Nana's concerts makes me so happy. Not many things in life affect you on such a deep level.
05. Trickster
Oooh! For some reason I have the Nanascope songs of all my close friends memorized in my brain (yeah, don't ask me why xD) and this happened to be the song of one of my friends I have gone to concerts with for a while and who was there with me tonight too. It's the first time it's popped up and I was super happy she got to hear it, though she probably doesn't even remember that it's her Nanascope lol. Or care for that matter. xD
06. Exterminate
This has become one of my currently top songs to hear live, because of how gripping the opening is and how fun it is to sing so much for Nana. I still sometimes get confused on the fast lines but I am getting better I feel. xD
Cherry Boys Showcase
Nothing much to add here from what I said in [-Genesis- ]as my memory capabilities just can't cover what they bantered among themselves. xD
Outfit #3 - Mahouko Nana
I got the reverse reaction from this than from a few songs the night before - I somehow remembered this being older and was thus surprised it came tonight even though I did know that. xD I guess it just is the way this song sounds. Or something. Or then Rosario+Vampire just feels like it happened a loooong time ago. Considering Rosario+Vampire and its context though, having mahouko Nana sing it made perfect sense (plus hey, there is "cosmic" in the name!).
08. Ego Ideal
I was so driven to actually focus on the song tonight, but I was caught in the same trap as last night and kept just worrying if the people moving her were going to remember the cables tonight. They were still cutting it reaaaally close. (>.<) My poor heart. Guess I will finally get to properly enjoy this song when the BD/DVD comes out... sniff...
09. Mr. Bunny!
Holy sheeeeeeeeeeeet, it never even crossed my mind that Nana might pull out Mr.Bunny!. I love this song way more than I probably should, it just makes me feel pretty happy. Not to mention the little choreograph is just the cutest thing ever. I've been wanting to see it live ever since looping it from LIVE ACADEMY and finally after all these years my wish has been granted.
Nana talks about deciding what to ride for LIVE GALAXY. Strange.. I was pretty sure this happened at a different MC yesterday, but oh well. She was like, a rocket? UFO? Mishi-P suggested a bicycle in the air. Nana makes the reference more obvious by extending her index finger in a very E.T. like manner. Guess she feared that people might have not gotten the reference yesterday. Then she talks about the mahouko thing again. She says she is always a shoujo (young lady) but tonight, she transformed all the way to ko (child lol). She gives a nice talk about shoujos and danshi always doing their best, leading into..
10. Shounen
Naissuuuu! I was sad the last time I heard this since it didn't make it into the live BD/DVD, but this time I am pretty sure it will. \o/ It's always nice getting a dose of one of these calming and relaxed Nana songs from time to time, in the midst of all the epicness.
11. Ambivalence
Wohoo, jazzy goodness time. I do hope that this and Ego Ideal won't fade away too fast and we'll get to enjoy them in lives for some time to come. I can't even begin to imagine how amazing these would be orchestral or acoustic. Here's to hoping another special live like that will happen again soon!
Team Yo-Da Showcase
For a description of this and its Aqua vibes, you can again refer to [-Genesis- ].
Outfit #4 Super Nana
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Noticed that the color in her hair had changed tonight. Green now, Red yesterday. |
Yeeessss!! It still amazes me how much I love this now. xD This song really is a good example of the sort of thing that is much better live because of all the things there are for the audience to do and thus doesn't reveal its real power level at the time of release.
Fun to get to hear DISCOTHEQUE-senpai right after its kouhai (SUPER☆MAN), and I do have to say that it is indeed a worthy successor. Still, the best is when you can get both of them like this.
14. Koi no Yokushiryoku -TYPE EXCITER -
Holyyyyy sheeeeeeet, Nana even pulled out Koi no Yokushiryoku! I have been entertaining my friends for the past year or so by singing Koi no Yokushiryoku featuring [the beautiful video from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker] at karaoke (one of my friends finds it very disturbing lol but learned to appreciate the song after hearing it tonight at the live), because I think it's really funny and this song remains one of my top favorites anyway. xD I appreciate it more now too that I finally took the time to actually play through with Peace Walker (along with other MGS titles) last year.
Nana goes to bother Itaruvich (lol I think she really likes pestering him more than the others). They talk about challenging new things, but Nana is not impressed with his first reply (which I have conveniently forgotten). So next he pulls out a paper and reads a pretty tanka about Nana and LIVE GALAXY. He then explains that he chose to do a tanka because the structure of this poem form is "go Nana go Nana Nana". He had wondered if he'd get a chance to explain this. Finishing with Itaruvich, Nana announces the upcoming single again and mentions that the 2nd song is the one from Tower of Princess. She then talks about how she is a sensei again in the new anime (Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!). She makes a joke about if anyone would really put her in charge of an art club lol (if you've seen her [drawings], you'll know why xD). Nana also talks about being in Dragon Quest Heroes II and being a hero, so next is...
Guess this tied nicely to the Dragon Quest Heroes II talk, but I hadn't thought that FEARLESS HERO would make an appearance tonight. This song has never made a big impression on me, but considering how strong the set list tonight has been so far I will forgive this popping up lol.
Future's next -movie
Nothing really changed in this either for tonight as far as I could tell, so description again can be found in [-Genesis- ]. I'm not lazy or anything I swear..
Outfit #5 - Mecha pilot warrior
16. Glorious Break
And here comes this glorious song again.... rubbing in my face my defeat. xD I didn't have much time to lament about it though since the song swooped me along and I found a new thing to rage about when it came time for Nana to fly magnificently down to the ground from the top, because the person in charge of the big screens decided to focus on the Cheribos for that epic moment. What?! You had one job!
I had thought that we'd have something like Vitalization here, but then the opening melody for VIRGIN CODE started and I was shivering like crazy because my body still remembers the impact of it from being the LIVE FLIGHT opener.
Nana talks about the robot, of course. Forgot to mention previously that it was named Galaxy 7. Nana then told us about how her staff reacted when she told them what she wanted. They were like lolwut really. xD As an interesting piece of trivia, Nana explains to us that the robot is not moving anymore because it only moves when Nana sings. Guess she got some inspiration from Symphogear and Cross Ange.
18. Love Brick
Oho! The Switch Girl songs have been getting a lot of love in the recent lives, I approve! Makes me wish they'll bring out Happy Go-Round tonight too, but judging by the fact that it was in such a prominent role in LIVE ADVENTURE, I kind of doubt it.
19. Clutch!!
I actually forgot what this song was when it started and was quite excited about it somehow, then remembered it was the least impressive song from SMASHING ANTHEMS for me. xD Still, I guess I might have to admit that it's really not too bad live like this.
As I predicted, here we had POP MASTER replacing SUPER GENERATION as is customary. I'm completely happy with that considering how much I love this song, but I hope that one day Nana will surprise and not have these two in such a symbiosis. If that ever happens, it will blow my mind. xD
Once again, it is time for the last song. Nana says that of course it had to be this one because the theme is galaxy, so yappari, it's...
21. Astrogation
Finally! Astrogation time! If this had been any other song I would have been totally shocked to my core. I was really happy about this being a given tonight, since one of the friends who I was here with had really grown to like this song, so it was nice that she got to hear it now. :3
Encore call!
22. Rock you Baby
And yep, tonight's towel song was indeed something else than Happy Go-Round, as expected. I do admit this is again a song I am not terribly fond of, but considering how strong all of tonight has been set list and enjoyment-wise, I will let it slide.
Shassuuuuu! She tsalk about how she is doing the call at the back for the first time again tonight, since she usually does it in the front. Next year the 777th smile gang will air!
23. Tenkuu no Canaria
I totally did not see this coming! It asn't part of my mental list of songs that fit the theme of galaxy, but now thinking about it, I guess it should have been since we do have "Tenkuu" in the title, which means sky.
24. Ai no Hoshi
I had been literally waiting for this all night, since I was so sure this just had to be here. But now when it actually came, I wasn't prepared for it at all somehow. Tenkuu no Canaria had lulled me into being off-guard and thus the emotional impact of Ai no Hoshi hit me full-force. orz I did manage to keep myself from crying though, small victories!
Encore call 2
Mou ikkai, mou ikkai!
Nana runs back on stage and thanks us for calling her back. She just heard some amazing news from Mishi-P (this is what I was waiting for all night wohooo). Nana announces that her next live will be at Koushien and starts crying. Me and my friends felt quite confused at this point, as we weren't so well-versed in Japanese baseball to know what the significance of the place is, but a couple of Japanese girls sitting in front of us were kind enough to explain to us that it is the home stadium of Hanshin Tigers. Then everything made sense and I could finally feel happy for Nana from the bottom of my heart.
Before the night is over, we get one more song, which is...
Before the night is over, we get one more song, which is...
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D'awww, bless her <3 |
As much as I love NEXT ARCADIA, somehow I felt that it wasn't special enough for a second encore. Ai no Hoshi would have fit here better, or even Astrogation. Or hell, even STAR ROAD! So many possibilities! At least we still got this one song so I am happy about that for sure!
And with that, LIVE GALAXY comes to an end. This trend of Nana concerts at weird times during this year is kinda worrying, because it was easier for me to plan ahead in regards to work and stuff when I had a pretty good idea about the time period when I should expect a live. Needless to say, I will do my best to attend LIVE PARK and whatever comes after regardless of the added challenge.
As much as I love NEXT ARCADIA, somehow I felt that it wasn't special enough for a second encore. Ai no Hoshi would have fit here better, or even Astrogation. Or hell, even STAR ROAD! So many possibilities! At least we still got this one song so I am happy about that for sure!
And with that, LIVE GALAXY comes to an end. This trend of Nana concerts at weird times during this year is kinda worrying, because it was easier for me to plan ahead in regards to work and stuff when I had a pretty good idea about the time period when I should expect a live. Needless to say, I will do my best to attend LIVE PARK and whatever comes after regardless of the added challenge.
This was very interesting read, so thank you for taking the time to do this! I still don't know if should be mad at myself however, for spoiling the setlist instead of waiting for BD/DVD to come out.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I should have posted this in the Genesis Report, but it seems that people now realize why she doesn't sing EtaBure as an opener :).
Thanks for reading my ramblings! \o/
DeleteWell, since the BD/DVD is officially out now, I guess you don't have to be too mad at yourself!
And yeah, definitely! Bringing out EtaBure from the get-go really makes it so difficult to keep the epicness up for the rest of the concert. :3
Thanks for responding!! Did you end up going to the Koshien live?
DeleteYes, I did! I have the report for that in the works, just being slow as usual... (^-^;;)
Deleteyea~~! finally finish live galaxy report XD
ReplyDeleteno worries you not alone about koshien live, we also abit lost ^^;; (my jap understanding not good XP)
all is nice...expect...frontier cover.....orz...
Barely made it before the BD/DVD release... lol ^^;
DeleteGood to know, we weren't the only ones! It was really frustrating not having a clue about something that meant so much to Nana...
omg.... yeah... that Frontier cover. It looks like Nana's head was just photoshopped into a way too big astronaut suit. ><;; even worse when you know the helmet existed as an actual prop lol.
Wait...what significance does Hanshin Tigers hold for Nana-chan? I don't know much about her but I love her voice and her energetic lives so if you could fill me in...
ReplyDeleteHeya, thanks for the comment! Sure thing.
DeleteThe Japanese are really into baseball and Nana's no exception. She's been a huge supporter and fan of Hanshin Tigers for most of her life. Her feels when meeting her favorite player is pretty much comparable to how we'd probably feel if we got to meet Nana.
Managed to actually find the video of her doing exactly that on YouTube:
Also, I heard this later from a Japanese friend that Koshien Stadium not only is the home stadium of Hanshin Tigers, but also like the holy ground of baseball in Japan. So apparently having a concert there is quite the exception and she was given that opportunity, which I can imagine is quite an honor. :)
Awesome! Thank for telling me! No wonder she was so excited and happy that she cried! It's a one in a life time chance for her!