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Live Adventure Treasure 14, let's go!! |
(For report on LIVE ADVENTURE 2015, Treasure 02 at Osaka, go [here]!)
(For report on LIVE ADVENTURE 2015, Treasure 03 at Osaka, go [here]!)
I arrived on Friday with an earlier flight than usual (I think I landed a bit after 6am or something), so I thought I'd be a champ and rush to Seibu Prince Dome to queue for goods right away. Luckily there were some lockers where I could store my suitcase while doing so. I was honestly feeling I was gonna die (there seemed to be something wrong with my ear, which a couple of days later turned into a horrible ear infection actually), so I was happily surprised at how short the queue actually was. Queuing here for LIVE CIRCUS had been a pure nightmare so I was super relieved this was nowhere near that horror. Regardless, it seemed that sizes of the Nana sneakers started to run out before I quite made it that far so I was starting to get pretty anxious about whether I'd get some or not. Here's when being a girl turns out to be super advantageous. The sizes that were running out were luckily the biggest ones due to the staggering amount of males attending, there was another gaijin wanting sneakers before me and I think he ended up buying not the ideal size because of this. I had gone to great lengths to deduce what size would be perfect for me (Japanese shoe sizes... well different country shoe sizes are super confusing) before my trip and when I tried on the shoes I was super happy to realize I had deduced right and got the perfect sneakers for me in one try. \o/ This was definitely one of the most successful queuings I have done, no doubt about it.
Inside Seibu Prince Dome
When I saw the seats of me and my friends I really couldn't believe it. We were on the third row from the front and really close to the middle. Damn! I never really thought I could ever win this good tickets (especially in a massive concert like this) so I was very close to fainting from surpreme excitement. This is definitely going to be a night to remember.
The Concert
Same thing thus far, so for the description of the opening movie, check out [NANA MIZUKI LIVE ADVENTURE 2015, Treasure 02 at Osaka]! And then....
01. No Limit
02. Justice to Believe
04. Inside of Mind
05. Kindan no Resistance
06. Heaven Knows
Cherry Boys Showcase
07. Lazy Syndrome
08. Bokura no Mirai
09. Bayonetta Charge w/ Ayahi
10. Nostalgia
11. Nocturne -Revision-
Team Yo-Da Showcase
12. Angel Blossom
14. Ashita graffiti
Adventurer Nana -movie
16. Avalon no Oukan
18. Exterminate
19. Shuumatsu no Love Song
20. Heart-shaped chant
22. Dream Rider
23. It's only brave
24. Happy Go-Round
Encore II:
25. Ano ne -Mamimumemogacho-
01. No Limit
Nana started at the opposite end of the arena from the main stage, making her way across on the Jeep. Kind of a downer, finally had super good seats at the very front of the arena and then her first appearance of the night is from the farthest possible place. Oh well. xD
02. Justice to Believe
Ahhh~ so nice seeing Nana so close in such a big concert venue! I really love being able to see her singing just by watching her and not the big screens, though the downside of this is that there are moments when she looks in my general direction and I feel super embarrassed (I think because it'll instantly remind me of my awkward [handshake adventure]). And of course she happened to do that during this song for the line "kimi ga soko ni iru kara". (>-<;;)
Time for epic dance section to begin! Not sure if I already talked about this before, but I really love how grand and impactful the opening of PRIDE OF GLORY is. It really helps set the mood before the main bulk of the song kicks in. :3 I approve.
04. Inside of Mind
I still wonder to this day how Nana ended up releasing this song that has so much English in it. I love it. And I love the fact that this is the song that got picked for tonight from the rotation. I hope we'll keep getting more Nana English'y songs since I just love them to bits. Nothing rocks more than Nana English. <3 After the Singapore preparation videos (and the live itself), there is nothing anyone can say as a counter argument to that.
Welcome! Nana talks about how recently the weather has been crap, but somehow today was good. Finally the final concert! When she went to change staff-san told her she looked mushiatsui and she hadn't noticed. She then talks about the jeep. The driver oji-san usually drives the stage set truck? I think. Aniki came on stage on the jeep.
05. Kindan no Resistance
Yeessss! I didn't notice it at the concert itself, only now afterwards when I saw a clip of this, but during the first chorus Nana slips up with words and instead of saying "kioku ni" like she should, she says "kimochi". It flowed along perfectly though and once again shows how easily Nana brushes off things like that and just keeps going. Sasuga Nana.
06. Heaven Knows
So, as I figured, it was gonna be Heaven Knows tonight instead of my Sabaku no Umi. Not a bad thing at all, even if I do have a special soft spot for Sabaku no Umi. I don't think my friends had heard Heaven Knows before so they were pretty impressed that Nana could even do a song like this. I tried it for fun in karaoke the next day and yappari, it just really is too fast (this was the recent attempt I mentioned in my previous report). xD I guess I'll know I've reached a new level in Japanese once I can tackle this.
Cherry Boys Showcase
Go to [NANA MIZUKI LIVE ADVENTURE 2015, Treasure 02 at Osaka] for the description of this! Considering how late I am with writing this, I don't really remember what they talked about. You can check it from the DVD/Bluray already anyway, since it's out. :p I haven't watched that yet, doing this from memory.
07. Lazy Syndrome
As much as I had been enjoying her going crazy during this song in Osaka, tonight I felt like it was a bit over the top and not natural... maybe because she had been doing it for the whole tour and it was losing it's appeal to her, I dunno. Still, one of the songs that I was most waiting for tonight! I really enjoy listening to songs like this live (fast-paced, almost rap'ish), since they showcase Nana's talents so well. Proper earporn. xD
08. Bokura no Mirai
Time for the peaceful respite in the middle of all the high tension songs. Time to recharge the batteries with soothing melodies before finding out what Nana has in store for us next. >:3
Nana talks about the outfit and how it's showing lots of stomach. so, because of that, Nana tries to stay fit. "Bijin desu". When she says that the camera zooms in on her stomach + legs and Nana goes like "hey"! Nana starts her pun show with Cheribo. She made the Cheribo choose who does it. It's Yutapon. Then Nana. Then Itaruvich-sensei does one about Shizuoka (Nana tells us to imagine for a min that we are there instead of here) and a few of Saitama.
Then about the block with "LIVE ADVENTURE" letters. Only 13 letters, but today is 14th live. What will happen?! Nana goes through all the previous songs and places. Tonight is Takagaki Ayahi a.k.a Yukine Chris from Symphogear!
09. Bayonetta Charge feat. Ayahi
I have to say that at first I had no idea who Ayahi was. After the first Symphogear Live, I watched that clip of all of them singing a song together and was shocked at how horrible it sounded so since then I've tried to pay as little attention as possible to the others apart from Nana and Hikasa Yoko. Though, I have to say that this duet with Ayahi wasn't too bad, even if it was still clear that gap between her and Nana's skill was pretty vast. And even though I didn't know who Ayahi was at the time, I was able to deduce it from how much the song sounded like Symphogear and from Symphogear she sounded most like Chris. xD All in all, I quite enjoyed the song.
After Ayahi also wants to tell a Saitama pun. Obacchi joins in also. xD
10. Nostalgia
Oooh Nostalgia!! While I was minding my own business and enjoying the pleasantness of the song, Nana went and looked my way again during one of the parts where she sings "wasurenai kimi wo"... don't shock an unsuspecting shy person like that. (;_;) it is seriously unbearably ridiculous how much I blush when I am embarrassed.
11. Nocturne -Revision-
Time again for that song I can't seem to enjoy as much as everyone else. Sorry Nana, I really tried. (;_;)
Team Yo-Da Showcase
As with the Cheribo showcase, refer to [NANA MIZUKI LIVE ADVENTURE 2015, Treasure 02 at Osaka] for the description! The main difference here is that there were way more Team Yo-Da members here tonight. :3
Outfit #3 - Pink Checkers
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that sea of blue lights :3 |
12. Angel Blossom
Time to dance! One of my friends (whose first Nana concert this was) was sure that I would kill her if she didn't learn the dance and do it here tonight.. so she danced. xD I am so proud of her. It was a little embarrassing to be dancing so close to the stage I admit, but it had to be done!!
Yessss! I am so happy that this was the song that ended up coming tonight, as this is the favorite Nana song of the friend I just mentioned.
Everyone danced well! Nana announces potato chips. Talk about Nana as Ehime bank's image girl. A pic of her in the commercial outfit is shown on the big screens behind her.... followed by Abe-summer dressed exactly the same and doing same pose lol. Another pic of Nana with the paper airplane is shown... and of course... Abe-summer version follows lolwut. xD
14. Ashita graffiti
I hate to say it but I think I enjoyed this song tonight more than usual because of the Abe-summer versions of bank image girl Nana. I am gonna be stuck with those pics of him imprinted into my brain forever. As usual, Nana starts going around the arena in her little motorboat during this song.
I think now officially all my superb karaoke buddies have experienced our ultimate karaoke song for real (yes, this. POWER GATE!!)! It really never ceases to amaze me how experiencing one song pretty much every single time can always be so satisfying. :3 Just can't get tired of this stuff ever. When the end of the song draws near, so does Nana's little boat ride.
Adventurer Nana -movie
Nothing seems to have changed here, so for the detailed description see [NANA MIZUKI LIVE ADVENTURE 2015, Treasure 02 at Osaka]!
16. Avalon no Oukan
I was wondering what they'd come up for this song tonight, since it's on the slot of "this is the song when marvelous things happen during Nana lives" and I have to say I was a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong though, I loved how she appeared at the top of the huge rock that cracked at the end of the insert movie, and I loved the rainbow colors on the water spray. It was just mainly the Nana floating static in the air for most of the song that made me a sad panda. I guess considering how wow'ing her doing the 3D flight was during LIVE FLIGHT, this just couldn't carry the legacy.
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Niji-irooooo sprays! |
Oho! It's been a while since I heard this! I guess it was at LIVE CIRCUS, though it felt like it had been even longer (my sense of time is obviously fucked up). xD
Nana talks about the stage set and how so many people worked hard to make it a reality..so live documentary? But in book form? Or what? Not sure... what actually even happened to this? xD Don't remember really hearing anything since this concert... ehum.. anyway.. She then talks about LIVE ADVENTURE as a whole and how she went to places she previously missed in LIVE FLIGHT.
**Not sure if this is the right place but, Nana also talked about her upcoming album. She confesses that she hasn't written like half of the songs yet and she only has like what a month and a half left! Oops! She's hoping that our atsui evening tonight will give her some ideas.
She then talks about Symphogear GX a bit since next is...
**Not sure if this is the right place but, Nana also talked about her upcoming album. She confesses that she hasn't written like half of the songs yet and she only has like what a month and a half left! Oops! She's hoping that our atsui evening tonight will give her some ideas.
She then talks about Symphogear GX a bit since next is...
18. Exterminate
Man, I still fumble at those super fast parts... I need to master them before next time so I don't keep feeling so defeated each time. Anyways... Every time I have heard this live so far, I've thought the opening of the song is really powerful, and it definitely was even more powerful here tonight. Chills are running down my spine just thinking about it.
19. Shuumatsu no Love Song
I tried to enjoy this as much as possible tonight as I have no idea when it will reach the live stage again. Not sure if it's popular enough to pop up often, I guess Kindan no Resistance is more likely to show up. Regardless, the song was over way too fast... (T^T)
20. Heart-shaped chant
Time for the beautiful moment of tonight. I don't know why whenever I brace myself to pay extra attention and absorb songs to the fullest, the opposite seems to happen. Heart-shaped chant was gone way too soon... orz
Time for the last song. It's been 15 years since Nana's King Records debut. So she's been thinking how should she celebrate, what should she sing? Yappari, it had to be this song. She explains that this song has let her meet so many new people and given her wonderful opportunities. And how for many many many more years (777!) she will continue.... Eien ni utai tsudzuketai to omoimasu!
I did wonder if this was going to stay the same for the final concert and yep it did. I guess this was Nana paying back for the fact that LIVE THEATER didn't feature EtaBure at all. And to be fair, there really isn't any grander or more special concert song than this.
Encore call!
Outfit #5 - encore
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Nana was almost dressed the same as me! If only I had worn my concert jean shorts! >:3 |
22. Dream Rider
Yesss, come to me cute dance song! I hope something else just as fun will pop up again to take its place (and Dramatic Love's) for the next live! I think I might have to do some looping again when the Bluray is out (which it already is, surprise surprise, since I am so retardedly late with this report orz).
Shassu! Cheribo shassu! Team Yoda shassu! Staff shassu! Nana talks about the 700th Smile-gang event (sniff, wish I could make it...). Nana's like, radio show na no ni lol. She then continues with saying that we should expect crazy things! And then it's time for some genki songs.
23. It's only brave
I actually forgot about the existence of this song, woops. (o_o;;) I hate it when that happens! I remember things so well... usually... I'm afraid that now after this I will really forget it since I won't have LIVE ADVENTURE reminding me of it. Well I guess I can keep watching the Bluray of tonight to solve that problem? xD I honestly don't know why this song escapes me, it is a pretty nice one!
24. Happy Go-Round
Wohooo! My last chance for a while to hear my favorite towel song! Nana and co. got on the jeep and headed towards the back of the stage during this song while waving their towels. I have to say that it took a little bit out of the experience for me as I was stuck in the front, and pretty short. Which means that visibility was very bad. :'< Oh well, I just had to make up for it by spinning my towel extra hard!
Encore II, mouu ikkaai!
I kept wondering if there was gonna be another encore, and yes there was! Nana runs onto the stage again and exclaims that she came back! She then quotes her song and says "Deaete so happy"! And that's why, she says, she will now sing this song! Cheriboizuuuu coooomeeeeee back too!
25. Ano ne -Mamimumemogacho-
This was a fun surprise as the second encore! Getting to do some dancing at the very end is a fitting way to conclude the evening for sure.
I had been hoping for a live announcement here, but no such luck. Nothing for me to immediately look forward to... (T^T) give me something soon Nana!! Now time to work on clearing some more report backlog...
This was a fun surprise as the second encore! Getting to do some dancing at the very end is a fitting way to conclude the evening for sure.
I had been hoping for a live announcement here, but no such luck. Nothing for me to immediately look forward to... (T^T) give me something soon Nana!! Now time to work on clearing some more report backlog...
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