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-King's Night- へようこそ! |
<<WARNING! This is going to be a very very long entry... AGAIN>>
Also again, this is not a very objective account - it's a personal account. So I will praise all songs from the bottom of my heart. :3
That Morning
I decided to pop by Akihabara to see if they happened to have any more glow sticks left for me to hog, though I was pretty sure they wouldn't - which was the case. Oh well. When I was about to start heading in Tokyo Dome's direction, I got stopped by a guy for an interview. In Japanese. xD Apparently they were interviewing foreigners on their Japan experiences for some TV show. They asked me questions like when had I arrived to Japan, what was my favorite Japanese food, how are the Japanese different from Finns etc and somehow I managed to give them some sort of answers to each. The question worth mentioning in more detail however was "What is your favorite word in Japanese?" to which I answered that my favorite phrase is "途方に暮れる" (Tohou ni kureru = I am bewildered). x'D They thought this was funny, like I thought they would, and so they wanted to film that part again by having the interviewer woman ask me the question, then having the camera man zoom the camera in my face and then me saying straight to the camera that I am bewildered. Ahahahahaha, I am making a good impression of myself and I'm not even living here yet.. :'D I was all waiting for them to get to the next question on their interview sheet which would've been "What are you crazy about?" so I could've ripped open my jacket and shout "MIZUKI NANAAAA", but they were so taken with my tohou ni kureru that they left the interview at that. D:
Before Concert
We got stopped for a short interview in front of Tokyo Dome (second time in one day, woot? xD) concerning LIVE CASTLE. We showed the guy (he told us he was NHK staff) the photo book we had made for Nana and told him how we were basically from all around the world. Then we gave Nana a message, the very basic "We love Nana Mizuki!" haha we definitely got some looks from the Japanese passing us then.. I hope I can see that somewhere some day... Maybe the NHK LIVE CASTLE special on Nana's birthday (side note: since it's past Nana's birthday now, I can actually confirm that we WERE on it ahahaha that's so awesome!)? xD
Another point of note was that close to the dome was a magazine shop that was selling quite many of the magazines Nana had been in the past few years. I really wonder where they've gotten all of those from..? Really cool though. I have to admit there was one downside to it - namely the fact that it was nearly impossible to pick something to buy. Usually it's easy, since you just go to a store and get that one magazine you find that has her in it... but now all of the mags had her so wahhh, what to pick?! I decided to ponder on that a bit... in the meanwhile..
We went to eat together (us overseas people) before the concert and me and the people I was sitting with started talking about what songs Nana might be performing tonight. I mentioned that I had read Nana's blog that morning about -Queen's Night- and that Nana had mentioned that she would be changing the set list dramatically in order to make the atmosphere more appropriate for a king (here's a link to Nana's [-Queen's Night- blog entry]). The songs we ended up with as being quite possible were MASSIVE WONDERS (instead of SECRET AMBITION most likely), Orchestral Fantasia (since there is the strings orchestra and all), Justice to Believe (seems to fit the castle theme), Innocent Starter (deserves to be part of Nana conquering Tokyo Dome), Omoi (being Nana's first song) and SUPER GENERATION -MUSEUM STYLE- with Agematsu Mika as encore (since she didn't perform it yesterday).
After we had finished eating I couldn't resist the Nana magazines any longer and managed to somehow decide on which one to get. I based my choice on the simple fact that this had.... double Nana. xD
Inside Tokyo Dome
The moment we walked into the dome and I heard they were playing Michael Jackson tonight before the concert began - it hit me. It hit me hard. Such a strong revelation. Madonna -> Queen of Pop -> Queen's Night and Michael Jackson -> King of Pop -> King's Night! Of course! It all makes sense now! This connection was somehow just really amazing to me. Made me admire Nana even more (is that possible? xD). I mean, usually artists just have random hits playing before their concerts so it was really amazing to experience ones that actually had a point. Everything about LIVE CASTLE had been planned to the dot - everything was simply perfect. After getting over the exhilaration of my realization, I noticed that the balcony of the castle was missing tonight. Made us wonder where King Nana would make her entrance from, but no matter how much we looked around, the top of the castle still seemed like the perfect place regardless of the balcony not being there. Also, the little cart that Nana did a round in during SECRET AMBITION last night, was on the other side of the stage now - Wonder if the balloon, Lion and crown will go around the opposite way tonight too compared to last night?
The Concert
The opening video today was pretty much the same tonight as it was last night, apart from the fact that it was King Nana arriving at her castle tonight! Oh man, did I like her King outfit. I was really trembling from excitement to get to see her come out wearing it.. :3 And then (Don't hate me for this set list Amy xD)...
02. Stay Gold
03. Silent Bible
05. Shin'ai
Cherry Boys Showcase
07. Aoi Iro
09. 7Colors
Team Yoda Showcase
11. Gimmick Game
12. Meikyuu Butterfly -diverse-
13. Junketsu Paradox
Guitarist Showcase
15. Phantom Minds
16. Synchrogazer
Lion and Nana -video
18. Don't be long
21. Orchestral Fantasia
22. Innocent Starter
23. Ano ne ~Mamimume☆Mogacho~
24. Song Communication
25. Astrogation
Encore II:
26. SUPER GENERATION -Castle Style-
Shooting stuff
Looking at the set list, I have to say we did a pretty good job with our guesses at lunch today! Go us! \o/ Also again for this entry, I'd like to thank NinaWolken for her help with the MCs. ^^ Really appreciate it. The results are definitely better than if I was relying on my memory alone.. xD And now... to the concert!
Outfit # 1 - The King
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*melts* So gakkooiiiii. :3 |
My body reacted to this song before my brain was able to register what song it was. Quite a weird feeling. I got all excited and pumped up first and THEN thought "Omg NEXT ARCADIAAA". A song I hadn't been expecting (here I go again with this.. xD), but really really have wanted to hear live. So I have to say I was very stoked about it being the opening song of -King's Night-. King Nana appeared at the top of the castle regardless of the missing balcony and... FLEW DOWN (okay not literally but...nearly xD)! Waaahhhh! So awesome and amazing. Definitely an entrance fit for a king! o(^-^)o This definitely made my spirits soar sky high. Also, it's worth a mention that I really love the piano melody in this. Very refreshingly interesting and unique.
02. Stay Gold
I wasn't expecting Stay Gold yet, but I am quite pleased that it came at this point already - definitely a song that fits King Nana in my opinion (everything seems to fit King Nana in my opinion doesn't it? xD) and it kept the energetic atmosphere of NEXT ARCADIA going very well! Would have been great to have Monsieur play this tonight too, but I got to experience that last night so I am content. ^^
Wohoo, greetings and welcome to Castle! \o/ Nana says that tonight's outfit was supposed to make her look like a king, but that in the end she looks more like a young prince. Awwww! Nana clearly felt more at home in Tokyo Dome today than she did last night. It touched me very deeply last night how you could really see how much it meant for her to be performing there from the way she was nervous and mixing up her words during her first MC. Now though, she was there quite confidently, like she had conquered the dome and believed she deserved to be there - that's how it felt to me anyway. And she definitely did deserve to be there! She if anyone. Also, on a fun note - Nana said how she had been very relieved this morning that it was all nice and sunny (so that her fans didn't have to queue in the horrid rain again) and had then thought to herself "今日はいい天気...!" (= kyou wa ii tenki, you know like what Saya sings in many eps of Blood-C xD) Ahhhh, the smile it brought to my face.
03. Silent Bible
HOLY HELL KING NANA IS SINGING SILENT BIBLE! I was so happy. So happy I wanted to cry. This song stands out as special for me in a couple of ways, so I've really hoped I'd get to see Nana sing it live one day and frankly I could not think of any grander experience than having Nana do it in her king outfit. This was a moment filled with much emotion for me. Thank you so much for giving this to me Nana. <3 It would've been beyond amazing to have Monsieur here to play the violin, but I guess that's something left for me to look forward to at a later live perhaps. I think if Nana holds another orchestral concert eventually and sings Silent Bible there I might die of happiness. (ノ=´∀`=)ノ My Nanascope song!
Finally I can say that I was totally expecting this song right at this spot tonight! It seemed natural to me that MASSIVE WONDERS would replace SECRET AMBITION, like I mentioned in my -Queen's Night- entry. Nana went around on her little cart during this song tonight. Also, I thought it was quite cool that mine and my friend Chris' Nanascope songs came in a row. Little things like that definitely do make everything all the more special.
05. Shin'ai
So amazing to finally get to hear Nana sing this special song live. I was pretty sure she would sing it in LIVE CASTLE considering how meaningful both of them are to her. This was a really special experience that I am glad I got to be a part of. Also, I thought that having Shin'ai for King Nana and having Mugen for Queen Nana created a nice contrast. The Tender Queen has a streak of bad girl, while the Brave King harbors gentle emotions. A really nice twist in my opinion. And quite an awesome coincidence that my friend Amy's Nanascope song came right after mine and Chris'. I was really stoked, quite the jackpot. ^^ Very memorable.
Cherry Boys Showcase
愛の チェリボ KNIGHT! Well this was as fun as it was yesterday! xD Those Cheribo introduction clips really amuse me. And then it was time for something I was eagerly awaiting for tonight...
Outfit #2 - Snow White
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Snow White and her Dwarves :D |
YES! BALLOON TIME! She appeared from the right side of the stage again tonight like last night (so no change of direction here), so this time we'd be seeing her pass us during this song (last night we were sitting on 2F on the left side of the dome, tonight on 1F on the right side). She was already pretty high with her balloon when she got to us, but she did wave to us from the heights regardless, yay! \o/ Tonight I also made sure my voice didn't die during the girls only "Woo-wo-oo POWER GATE". Woop, progress! xD
07. Aoi Iro
Yay Aoi Iro stayed on the set list too! This really is one of my top favorite feel good Nana songs (not to mention one of my utmost favorite Nana PVs too). I am so happy it was part of both nights. ^^ Too bad Nana was all the way on the other side of the dome for this tonight, not that it made me any less ecstatic in participating in the "maybe"s and "baby"s. xD Really amazing energy from everyone again tonight!
Nana announces her participation in Kouhaku Uta Gassen this year (even though everyone probably knew about it already) Wohoo! Nana also mentions how there will be a documentary on LIVE CASTLE broadcasted on NHK on her Birthday! Hahaa, I really hope our little message from earlier today is on it. xD
POP MASTERRRRR! Every time I experience this live I just love it so much more (and I really don't know how that is possible considering how much I've always loved it xD). This really has to be one of my favorite songs live, though I guess this is something I could say for any Nana song really since I am so stoked to hear any of them live but... you know.. xD I have to say her diving diving diving shaking really gets to me in that über mini Snow White skirt... mainly because of that frill.. it's somehow hypnotic... all that frill going left and right... ehum. Moving on. ^^;
09. 7Colors
I was too deep in my bubble of euphoria last night to notice that 7Colors played the role of towel song in LIVE CASTLE (or more like, I didn't notice soon enough to participate with mine), so tonight I decided to make amends and had my towel ready. Some parts seemed more natural with the penlight though so I kept switching between the two. xD Also, I have to say that I am glad Nana kept the same songs for this part, since they definitely form the ultimate picker-upper combo - if you don't feel happy after these songs I don't think there's any hope for you.
Team Yoda Showcase
I was trying to prepare myself for the cuteness of Nana tonight, but nope - it still got to me tonight like it did last night. かわいいいいいい! (*≧∀≦*) Also, I have to say that I really like the song in this. I'm so going to watch this on repeat for a while when the BD/DVD comes out..
Outfit #3 - Bunny Girl
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Pyon Pyon! |
When I heard the intro for this start up my legs turned to jelly (also, the intro always gives me the chills too, ahhh sweet sensation <3). Seriously! I had so been hoping that Nana would perform this in LIVE CASTLE because I really love the song and the choreograph, but I sort of gave up on the hope when I saw it was on the THE MUSEUM II BD. So imagine my joy when I got to experience it live after all! Also, I've been really obsessed with this song for the past couple of months so I really can't describe how excited I was. Nana bunny girl doing this for me. <3 Sadly I can't say my view of this was the best, curse you lighting towers! T.T That's fine though, I'll ogle at PRIDE OF GLORY properly once the BD comes out. o(^-^)o
11. Gimmick Game
Wahhh, Gimmick Game! Again a song I wasn't expecting, since it was a part of LIVE JOURNEY, but what I really have wanted to hear (wasn't part of Niigata, where I went in the summer ^^)! I sooo love this song too. It's already pretty steamy by itself but combined with Nana's bunny outfit, it really turned my knees to jelly (I'll be amazed if I can still stand after tonight, considering the "jellyness" treatment I am getting from Nana). xD Getting to hear Nana sing "わたしのゼンブ抱きしめて" (=embrace all of me) was nearly too much for me. Aaah. xD
Mawatteeeeeee! 回って回って! Yay and there goes Nana bunny hopping around again! How I really love that, it makes my heart melt into a completely liquified state (the effect has spread from my knees now to other body parts lmao). (≧v≦ )Pyon pyon pyooooon! Haha I so love how Nana is always so reluctant and ashamed to turn around at first. :3
12. Meikyuu Butterfly -diverse-
Man, -diverse- somehow really gives me the shivers, the melody just pulls you in. The original didn't have quite that strong of an effect on me somehow. Really awesome that I got to experience it twice. Also, same drill as yesterday - the dance platform started moving forward through the arena during this song.
13. Junketsu Paradox
Now that I knew there was a strings orchestra in LIVE CASTLE, I would've kind of hoped for them to be part of Junketsu Paradox, since I like the violins here a lot too. But I guess bunny outfit AND violins would've been too much awesomeness at one go. So for the sake of my sanity, I guess this was the way to go. xD So again, I couldn't help but smile at Bunny Nana's paradox of pure-heartedness. Not to mention the contrast between her looking all fluffy and singing the song in her deep voice. Really love it.
Guitarist Showcase
The Three Guitarists are here to save the day again! Though today Itaruvich had replaced Kenny as the lead guitar hero. The flaring guitars at the end of their showcase doesn't cease to be a very powerful finish. And then it was time for..
Outfit #4 - Ring Master
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I really love this outfit. :3 |
Ahhhh, seriously it's amazing how much satisfaction hearing the SCARLET KNIGHT bells gives me. Never fails. The amount of goose bumps it gives me is unbelievable (sort of happens when I just listen to it from my iPod too, but not in this massive scale). Getting to hear this again with the string orchestra present really sent me to a proper state of euphoria. I was all awaiting this already during the guitarist showcase. Must.... get.... my.... SCARLET.... KNIGHT... fill..... I really can't stress enough how meaningful this song is to me. Though, I won't blab about it here now since I already did for -Queen's Night-. ^^; I have to say again though how I really love this outfit. And the Sword. And those combined with SCARLET KNIGHT. Epic.
15. Phantom Minds
Woop, was nice to see that Phantom Minds was one of the songs that Nana did keep on the set list. Come to think of it, Nana's Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha songs have been quite present in LIVE CASTLE. Quite awesome. ^^ Hearing it on both nights here has really made this song grow on me. I've always liked it very much, but it has now reached new heights for me.
Introduction of Monsieur again (and we still thought it was Mushu tonight too.. xD) as member of Cherry Boys! Nana tells that's the nickname she gave to him yesterday. That was followed by the announcement of Synchrogazer that will be released on the 11th of January and feature as the OP of the anime Symphogear! And that the coupling song will feature as the theme song of the Switch Girl drama! Hurray for lots of Nana goodness to watch! \o/ Then Nana offered to sing Synchrogazer for us for the very first time (well 2nd if you count last night~)!
16. Synchrogazer
Synchroooogaaaazeeeeerrrr! I was really looking forward to this tonight. I was all determined to burn it into my brain this time and be less confused with my penlight. xD I did do better than yesterday, but could've still done even better. Next time! *shakes fist* But yeah anyways, I really like this song - it mixes a lot of different elements together in a very nice feasible bundle. It's got much cyber elements but also a hint of classical in there. Nana never fails to present us with amazing new songs. I will go on a proper Synchrogazer listening fest when I get home..!
Oooh, ETERNAL BLAZE at this point already! Tonight I had saved my orange glow stick specially for this (though I really ought to get a better option than just a glow stick, orange is such a necessary color...)! YES! For some reason the whole audience seemed the most orange as a whole than it ever has from the concerts I've been to/watched. Maybe it just seemed that way to me since I got to be a part of the orange sea tonight, I don't know. Just seemed like a very magical moment to me and it took my breath away. Also, I nearly died when Monsieur did an ETERNAL BLAZE violin solo tonight after Nana disappeared to change clothes. This song has always been very special to me, and this just made it all the more special. Wahh. Bliss. <3
Lion and Nana -video
Seeing the dome ceiling light up from the stars and skies of the video did not cease to be as amazing today as it was yesterday. I really can't get over how brilliant the idea of turning the ceiling into a planetarium was. Really takes your breath away. And since I went with the Queen version of the story in my -Queen's Night- entry, here's the King alternative from my T-shirt this time:
Aah, the Lion! I somehow just really love it. This video is just so awesome in ways I cannot describe. xD
"Once, when heroes ruled the world, nothing separated the sky and the ground. Imperceptibly, a lion settled in the brilliant stars' sky. The lion began to disturb orbits with his brute nails. The calamities hit the ground and people felt the end of the world. A king who looked up the sky anxiously, decided his mind and took the legend sword. Seven heroes were fighting against the lion in the sky. But heroes didn't have any chance to beat the Gods' blood lion. The king with the legend sword showed up there and held it up toward the sky. Seven stars got together on the legend sword and sparkled. Light from the sword that the king swung down hit a gem on the lion's brow. When the king gently touched the lion's brow, the lion brightened and spread out seven wings. Then, the king and the white lion were praised as Gods and became a shining constellation."
Aah, the Lion! I somehow just really love it. This video is just so awesome in ways I cannot describe. xD
Outfit #5 - Warrior + Lion
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No rainbow dress tonight, no sir. :O |
18. Don't be long
By this time I had totally forgotten the possibility of the Lion having reversed its course like the little cart at the beginning of the concert and I was really excited about getting to witness the Lion up close (it and Nana made their entrance from the right side of the stage last night) tonight. But no of course not. The Lion had switched its course. Not fair! o(TヘTo) I forgot about that disappointment pretty fast though, since my focus was captured by Don't be long. Nana singing it on top of the Lion, putting so much emotion into it, really touched me.
Was quite expecting this at this point, considering how Stay Gold occupied ROMANCERS' NEO's spot earlier tonight. So it made sense that the opposite would happen as well. They showed the Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha scenes tonight too, but also left a screen for Nana this time. Wohoo, I can stare at both (and in the process, develop my eyes to work in a similar fashion as a chameleon's \o/) at the same time! I have to say that I really love this song. Such strong vocals and the great guitar bits. I think it might potentially become one of my top favorites.
Random black out in my mind again. Took a few seconds for my brain to catch up to what song it was that started playing. xD Guess I wasn't really expecting this song either. I would venture to say that this was the one song that caught me by surprise the most. Anyways. Such a strong song! Very fitting for warrior Nana. I am very glad I got the chance to hear this live too.
21. Orchestral Fantasia
Ahhhhhhhhh! Shiversss. I am so glad this was in the set list! I really really have wanted to hear this live - I so admire the emotion Nana puts into it. So amazing. Definitely one of my most favorite songs live from her (here I go again.. xD). And I just love this song in general too - using musical terms as metaphors throughout the song and also the melody just really hit the spot for me.ストリングスの海で彷徨う… How I have wanted to hear that line live, really makes my heart bleed (in a good way). I would really want to assemble a little band and play this song.
Nana, her voice filled with regret, tells us that it is time for the last song. Nuuuu, time flies so fast! (T^T) Nana says that the next song is a really important one to her and filled with many strong memories. It is the one song that has made it possible for her to reach so many people. That song is... Opening of Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha season 1! Waahhh!
22. Innocent Starter
When Nana started singing this, it felt to me like time had stopped in Tokyo Dome. It was like everyone was holding their breath. Maybe even like we were transported to the moment in time when everything was, indeed, just starting for Nana. I don't really know. All I can say that it really felt like a special moment in every possible way. Nana really knows how to make a concert so perfect. This performance really touched the farthest reaches of my heart.
Encore call
NAA-NA! NAA-NA! Nana kept us shouting and clapping for a long time yet again, as was expected.
Outfit # 6 - Encore
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Mini shorts tonight, I kneew eet. :D |
23. Ano ne ~Mamimume☆Mogacho~
HOLY HELL!! I think my heart exploded when this started. Really really never thought I would get to hear this awesomely cute song live ever! I was so ecstatic you wouldn't believe. I was in blissful heaven when I got to sing the "I love you"s and "I need you"s to Nana. I was ridiculously happy. xD Ahahaha, and getting to do that little dance! That was so awesome and exhilarating! I was grinning like a fool the whole time.
24. Song Communication
YES! Happiness continues! I thought this was a really awesome song choice for the encore of LIVE CASTLE. I mean, when you look at the lyrics this song is the perfect way for Nana to thank all of us for being there, being a part of her dream coming true. Getting to sing those "wow wow la lala lala la"s and "I stand for you"s made me feel like we were all part of one big family that had gathered there to celebrate the achievement that is LIVE CASTLE (which is pretty much the case, nee?). Unforgettable.
Nana thanks us for calling her back for encore and then it's time for shassu call! Nana mentioned Smile-gang reaching it's 500th broadcast again tonight, wohoo! \o/ Also, new announcement! There shall be a summer tour and it will perhaps be the longest tour Nana's had yet! Nana also hinted that she will have a concert somewhere where she hasn't had one yet. Oho, suspense! Man, I really hope I can go... (T^T)
25. Astrogation
This time when Nana rose on that little platform I paid extra careful attention on it and was able to perceive a very little support handle thing on it. THANK GOD. I don't need to die an early death due to extreme stress caused by being worried about Nana's welfare. xD And thus tonight I could fully indulge myself in the pleasure of listening to Astrogation. Mmm. The fireworks from the castle was an amazing spectacle tonight as well, providing a grand finish to the first encore yet again.
Thank you and greetings time from everyone! Nana, Cherry Boys, Team Yoda, Strings orchestra all lined up on the stage bowing. Nana gives her signature mic-less thank you and then they all leave.
Thank you and greetings time from everyone! Nana, Cherry Boys, Team Yoda, Strings orchestra all lined up on the stage bowing. Nana gives her signature mic-less thank you and then they all leave.
2nd encore call
Time for second calls! Glad Nana doesn't keep us waiting here like she does with the first.. xD
Time for second calls! Glad Nana doesn't keep us waiting here like she does with the first.. xD
Nana comes running back on stage! Hurraaay! \o/ She says she didn't want to part with everyone yet so she came back. And then the moment I have been anticipating this weekend finally arrived.... she called on stage her dear friend, Agematsu Mika! This time though, Monsieur would also join them! ah, such an amazing combination. I already feel like crying tears of joy even before they've began.
26. SUPER GENERATION -Castle Style-
I was so happy to be able to get to finally experience the Nana x Mika combo live! Just as amazing (and beyond) as I expected. I was really grateful and happy to get to be there. Those two really touch a person very deep with their collaborations and having Monsieur participating tonight really made it all the more emotional and special to me, being the violin enthusiast and all. I really love this slower version of SUPER GENERATION, it really is so amazingly beautiful and I think it gives Nana's clear voice much more emphasis. This definitely created another time-stopping moment tonight. I really wanted to cry like a baby, but was so captivated in the moment of true bliss that I could not even do that. I'm glad I at least remembered to keep on breathing through this. xD
Shooting stuff
When Nana began shooting the little lion plushies into the audience tonight with her bazooka, the atmosphere was different from yesterday. I assume it was because tonight the people on 1F and 2F knew that they would not need to be ready to catch anything (since Nana wouldn't shoot there) and the excited tension was missing. I found myself concentrating more on the instrumental SUPER GENERATION playing on the background and humming along to it. Then someone started singing along and it spread like a tidal wave throughout the audience until we were all singing. We were singing for Nana. Nana was shooting and we were singing for her. Holy hell it felt so unbelievably amazing. We were all showing our love for Nana together by singing from the bottom of our hearts. And it definitely didn't seem to be expected by Nana or her concert staff. Even when the song looped and started over, we started singing again from the beginning too. When Nana had finished shooting and was heading towards the stage a mic was rushed to her and she joined us for the last stretch. Wow. This really had to be one of the most magical moments in my life. Seriously. I'm sure we made Nana very happy too. The LIVE CASTLE weekend really couldn't have had a better ending. This really will be a memory I will treasure in my heart forever. I can't wait to see this on the BD, just to be able to see Nana's reaction better and also just to relive this moment again myself.
After concert
We went to eat together after the concert. It was really great to do something more with everyone afterward, since having both LIVE CASTLE nights behind us now left me feeling a bit empty (I mean, I was feeling completely fulfilled and very happy, but also melancholic since it was over). After a little wandering around, we got to the restaurant... only to realize that we had lost Mikanchu on the way. D: Even her friend had ended up in the restaurant with us, but not her. Woops. xD Me and NinaWolken decided to go look for her and after running like the wind back to Akihabara, we did! Very lucky. Could've been a lot worse. After this little adventure, an awesome dinner awaited us! Mmmm, I really loved those chicken wings. xD We did also go to karaoke afterward, but I'll talk more about that later if I continue my Japan travel journal entries.
So - All in all, LIVE CASTLE has been a really amazing experience. I am so happy I was able to come to Japan for this - it was exactly what I needed and much more. No greater honor than being a part of Nana conquering her dream. Thank you Nana, you were amazing. <3
When Nana began shooting the little lion plushies into the audience tonight with her bazooka, the atmosphere was different from yesterday. I assume it was because tonight the people on 1F and 2F knew that they would not need to be ready to catch anything (since Nana wouldn't shoot there) and the excited tension was missing. I found myself concentrating more on the instrumental SUPER GENERATION playing on the background and humming along to it. Then someone started singing along and it spread like a tidal wave throughout the audience until we were all singing. We were singing for Nana. Nana was shooting and we were singing for her. Holy hell it felt so unbelievably amazing. We were all showing our love for Nana together by singing from the bottom of our hearts. And it definitely didn't seem to be expected by Nana or her concert staff. Even when the song looped and started over, we started singing again from the beginning too. When Nana had finished shooting and was heading towards the stage a mic was rushed to her and she joined us for the last stretch. Wow. This really had to be one of the most magical moments in my life. Seriously. I'm sure we made Nana very happy too. The LIVE CASTLE weekend really couldn't have had a better ending. This really will be a memory I will treasure in my heart forever. I can't wait to see this on the BD, just to be able to see Nana's reaction better and also just to relive this moment again myself.
After concert
We went to eat together after the concert. It was really great to do something more with everyone afterward, since having both LIVE CASTLE nights behind us now left me feeling a bit empty (I mean, I was feeling completely fulfilled and very happy, but also melancholic since it was over). After a little wandering around, we got to the restaurant... only to realize that we had lost Mikanchu on the way. D: Even her friend had ended up in the restaurant with us, but not her. Woops. xD Me and NinaWolken decided to go look for her and after running like the wind back to Akihabara, we did! Very lucky. Could've been a lot worse. After this little adventure, an awesome dinner awaited us! Mmmm, I really loved those chicken wings. xD We did also go to karaoke afterward, but I'll talk more about that later if I continue my Japan travel journal entries.
So - All in all, LIVE CASTLE has been a really amazing experience. I am so happy I was able to come to Japan for this - it was exactly what I needed and much more. No greater honor than being a part of Nana conquering her dream. Thank you Nana, you were amazing. <3
"And quite an awesome coincidence that my friend Amy's Nanascope song came right after mine and Chris'."
ReplyDeleteThat is indeed quite the awesome coincidence! ;)
Mmmm and best of all that it was King Nana, who sang them. <3
ReplyDeleteThat outfit~~ omnomnomnom. xD
nice review!! >w<
ReplyDeleteI really want to see it in BD now XD
Thanks, glad you liked it! ^^
DeleteI am so looking forward to the BD too (of this and Queen's), Nana really outdid herself with LIVE CASTLE, so breathtaking from start to finish! o(´∇`*o)